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I agree that you should be mad. at least if you are angry, you won't be depressed (can't be both at the same time). I pray that he will get alright w/o another surgery. Blessins......
Yep - I'd be angry too. Life just isn't fair. I think you have all the good things on your side though and certainly everyone on this forum! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and sending a big hug through cyberspace.

I don't blame you either by being Mad, I think fever I think endocarditis, because of our heart valves and such! That should have been the first thing they checked for instead of giving him flu meds! Makes me want to go get my much needed crown put on but I just hate the dentist! God Bless both of you! It is ok to be mad but also remember to PRAY!!

So sorry you & your husband are going through this. Like others have said, hopefully an infectious diseases specialist can sic this for y'all.

About 3-4 weeks post-op, I had a fever, aches, etc., and my PCP ordered blood cultures. Have had them run at twice since then. Never had a positive, thank heavens.
You will have alot of people praying for you and your husband on this forum, myself included.

Please keep strong. I know it is difficult.
I am so sorry and saddened by this news
You have alot of prayer and support here
and continue in mine at this time.

We dont understand why life takes these hard turns when we least
need yet more on our plate,but we are all here for you and hubby
and will continue to keep you all in prayer ((Hugs and constant prayer))