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Mike C

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2005
Received my INRatio today and did my first test. This is the greatest thing on the planet, everyone should have one, ok, at elast everyone on coumadin. So quick and simple to use and i love knowing the results instantly. What a conveneince and painless. At the lab, you never know who you are going to get.

Does everyone change the lancets every time or is it possible to reuse?

A whole different world home testing.



on your new little toy:D :D :D ..Ain't it wonderful not to be poked by someone different each time?
I have been Protiming for more than 5 years and I love it.. I agree that everyone on Coumadin should own one of these machines. It saves lives according to me. can't reuse the lancettes.. It has a spring inside and it won't pop back to my knowledge.

Happy Protiming...
Don't reuse the lancet, put a new one in each time. It gets dull just from one use. If you find that the ones it comes with are too large, run down to the drug store and get a box of 31ga lancets or a size your more comfortable with. The Generic Drug Store brand is fine. You don't need to pay extra for neat name brand.
your in control

your in control

Isnt it so much nicer to be able to do it yourself instead of getting up early and driving to the lab and waiting for an hour for the vampires to draw 20 times the amount needed for the test. ENJOY! your new freedom and Hope your feeling good.;)