American Idol

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2006
There is usually a small group of American Idol watchers here ... is anyone watching this year, and who are your favorites?

I really like Adam Lambert!
Adam is very talented. Sixteen-year-old Allison has had some great performances too -- especially this week. Lots of talent in the final 10 -- several "very good." Are any "great"? Remains to be seen (or heard). :)
I'm rooting for Adam too! They are all very talented but I think he stood out especially this week! But we'll see........

Does anyone tune in to Dancing with Stars? I was so disappointed this week when instead of booting the Apple computer guy, Denise Richards went out! What was that all about!!?? :mad:
I like Danny. He seems very content in front of lots of people.Sweet guy! Adam does have a great vocal range. Last week (NOT this week) his country song i thought was disrespectful with the rendition he choose to do. "the look" of the nail polish,etc..... i don't like at all! However must say, this week he "cleaned up" really good! Dancing With the Stars: it didn't surprise me that denise left. it really was inevitable anyway. she would not have won but i felt still could have stayed at least another 1-2 wks.
I like Danny and Adam. I want to not like Adam cuz he's so perfect (and because he said Michael Jackson is his idol) but he's really got talent. I thought I was going to bust a gut last week when he did Ring of Fire... At least he didn't try to really do country! (Our country that is :D)
I like Danny. He seems very content in front of lots of people.Sweet guy! Adam does have a great vocal range. Last week (NOT this week) his country song i thought was disrespectful with the rendition he choose to do. "the look" of the nail polish,etc..... i don't like at all! However must say, this week he "cleaned up" really good! Dancing With the Stars: it didn't surprise me that denise left. it really was inevitable anyway. she would not have won but i felt still could have stayed at least another 1-2 wks.
I believe the frenchman and the little girl who stepped in at the last minute will be the finalists, Pam. I believce the girl will win.

can't remember names since heart surgery, but you know who I mean.

I am at daughter's and they watch Idol but I am new to it. I am just not impressed with today's music. I like the India fellow - Enok?
Hey Gang! It's Idol night!
Lyn, I did hear about Danny's wife, although I never heard which CHD she was affected by. I read that she died during surgery to have a pacemaker implanted. Very sad story.
Hey Gang! It's Idol night!
Lyn, I did hear about Danny's wife, although I never heard which CHD she was affected by. I read that she died during surgery to have a pacemaker implanted. Very sad story.

A couple CHD Moms contacted their Org and they wrote a very nice letter that one of the things Danny and the org want to focus on is CHD awareness ect. here is part of the email.
In feeling out where we should devote our attention in the medical area, we have decided to reach out to the CHD community and help bring awareness to the nation right now about CHD.
ll of our staff is family to Sophia and Daniel, and being that she was born with a CHD, we know first hand the financial and emotional strain that it can take on a family. We have been researching the statistics, and you are 100% correct that our nation has no clue about how much more it affects children than other diseases.
All CHD children are special, and we want to fight for their voices to be heard
Here is a link to the org he set up to honor his wife Sophia, who passed away a couple months ago. She was born with CHD and had 2 surgeries as a child and passed during surgery at the age of 27.

If they do the "Idol Gives Back" show this year, sure hope this is prominently part of it.... Would be good to get some more recognition out there....


I'm routing for Allison :).

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...RT 66 = Sept 5-16, '09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"It's only a matter of time" ... Mariah Carey ... 'Always Be My Baby'