Altitude and Warfarin

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Apr 18, 2013
Minneapolis, MN
Does anyone have any knowledge about concerns with Warfarin when being at altitude? We will be in Colorado skiing this Christmas and I have seen some comments other places on the internet that say that altitude can lower INR. We will only be there for a week and I home monitor so I suppose I could do a test after being at altitude for several days to see if it drops but I hesitate to make any major adjustments in my dose because I don't want to start a roller coaster. I now this is the anti-coagulation thread but I a also curious if there is anything else I should consider while skiing - besides wearing a helmet to protect the old brain bucket.....:)
For a week there I can't imagine it'll make a difference (assu,king it makes a difference).

Fully agree with your roller coaster summary.

Skiing... downhill skiing or cross country? I'm assuming downhill. If you intend any "off piste" then knee pads. Mate of mine totally smashed his knee on a rock in the deep powder.

Enjoy! I just got back in from a few Km of skiing round the lake here in Finland :)

Was nice and cool this morning -23°C
I too live in Colorado and go into the high country all the time. I haven't noticed any abnormal INR changes, but I have never checked my INR while I am there. Hope you have a great trip!