Almost Time for a Reoperation

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Thanks to you all - I really appreciate the replies.

Thanks to you all - I really appreciate the replies.

It is just great to have the opportunity to chat about this with fellow valve jobs. WoodButcher, others have told you what Left Ventricle Mass Regression is, but what I remember so well from the first surgery is how quickly my relatively enlarged heart shrunk back to normal. Really in just a few months. Amazing to think that one of our organs can respond that way. The even better part of course is how much better I felt in about 6 months. Much better energy and stamina, improved sports performance, and able to take long, steep mountain hikes that I love so much.

I particularly relish hearing about those who have chosen the On-X and their opinions about their choices. Thanks. The quiet performance would be a big benefit. I am communicating regularly with Catharan Burnette at On-X and she has been very helpful.

Dlangton, I certainly appreciate your views on the tissue valve. By the way, I will be 57 in 2 weeks. If this were my first surgery I would be choosing a tissue valve. However, since this is my second, and the re-operation is on a cadaver aortic root from the homograft, I just don't think it would be wise to do the tissue one again. Remember, I was told my homograft would last 25 plus years and it is all worn out at 9. You go with the best choice you can at any given time.

I hope to hear from more On-X ers. And thanks again.

I by no means intend to try to influence your choice. Whichever you choose will be the right vavle for you.

I only want to comment that I underwent my second OHS in four years last February. I'm not that much older than you and chose a tissue valve. Mine is mitral.

So, second surgery, age not widely different and tissue was MY right choice but certainly may not be anyone else's.

Sending you very best wishes while you make you decisions. It's difficult no matter what. You' re doing all the right things and lots of research and questions. You'll know which is right for you.
Aortic Valve Reopertion Next Week-Shands Hosptial, UF, Dr. T Martin--Terrified!

Aortic Valve Reopertion Next Week-Shands Hosptial, UF, Dr. T Martin--Terrified!

I am TERRIFIED about having a reop for my homograft valve that was implanted in 2005 by Dr. Petterson at Cleveland clinic. I was told that at the time this homograft was the best choice and would probably outlast my life---I was 59 at the time and had the aoritc root as well as an aneuyerism repair and single by-pass of the major LAD. I have now chosen the On-X mechanical valve as the surgeon told me there would actually be a possibility of 3rd reop in my lifetime if I went with another tissue valve. That just does not seem like a option for me. I understand that the reoperation carries more risk than an inital implantation and the complication rate is also higher. Of course these are statistics--90-95% suvrivial....I beleive national statistics. I researched the surgeon and believe I have chosen whom I belive to be the best I could find. I live in FL and while I would go back to CC, the travel and difficulty for family is a burden. Are there any reops out there who could help clam my fears? Operation is scheudled for Thursday, March 22nd.
Thank you
Len Bennett
Orlando, FL
My valve replacement was my second OHS in four years and the second was very much easier on me than my first. I knew the moment I woke after surgery that truck had not hit me nearly as hard as the first time and I recovered well and quickly.

My Mass General surgeon said he had no particular trouble opening me through scar tissue. He shrugged when I asked if he had a difficult task and said nothing that concerned him.

I chose tissue valve full well knowing what to expect from a repeat surgery and for me, that was the best choice. I am still sure that was 'my' right choice.

I'm not the only person who has reported here their second OHS was easier than they expected.
I hope you have an easy surgery and bump free recovery.

Best Wishes.
Hi Bob, I'm from Colrado too. I'm bummed to hear that you are facing a second surgery. I'm on the way to the Cleveland Clinic for my surgery with Dr. Sabik on April 4th. I'm a bit younger than you are (37), but I am opting for a mechanical valve. The main factor in my decision was to try and limit the likelihood of a re-operation. I am willing to take coumadin for the rest of my life rather than repeat the whole process again if possible. That being said, technological advances are showing some promise for less invasive procedures. It is possible that by the time you would need to replace your tissue valve, it can be done via catheter or some other new technique. I hope that you come to a decision that grants you peace of mind. Good luck!

Hi Bob, I'm from Colrado too. I'm bummed to hear that you are facing a second surgery. I'm on the way to the Cleveland Clinic for my surgery with Dr. Sabik on April 4th. I'm a bit younger than you are (37), but I am opting for a mechanical valve. The main factor in my decision was to try and limit the likelihood of a re-operation. I am willing to take coumadin for the rest of my life rather than repeat the whole process again if possible. That being said, technological advances are showing some promise for less invasive procedures. It is possible that by the time you would need to replace your tissue valve, it can be done via catheter or some other new technique. I hope that you come to a decision that grants you peace of mind. Good luck!


Just incase you didnt notice, Bob's post is from Jan 09