Allen Muse: Arkansas State football player

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2009
Houston TX
Just watched a story on ESPN about Allen Muse who after a college football physical, was found to need OHS. All I can find on the net is that there was a membrane restricting the flow of blood to the rest of his body.

Allen is suited up to play today...So far Iowa is leading 24 to 14 in the 4th. I don't know if he actually played today.

Anyone know what the official diagnosis was? I'm wondering if he had an Aortic Coarctation.

(Waiting to see what the Aggies do tonight)
I'm not finding anything readily online about him & anything cardiac-related. Wonder if he'll wait until after the season for surgery?

I'm sure my nephew-in-law will be following the A&M game tonight, either @ home or if he's at work, at the fire station (as schedule permits). We are not allowed to utter UT, Longhorns, Texas, etc., at my niece's house. :eek:

I'm a Stephen F. Austin State U. Lumberjack, so thank heavens there's no arguments/rivalry there.... :)
He has already had the surgery....I believe September last year. He stated he was nervous the first time he took a hit in practice afterwards.

Growing up with parents from North Carolina, we followed basketball and I was not allowed to utter "Clemson". Funny story, the first time my brother's fiance visited the grandparents in NC, we went to a local sporting goods store to refresh our ACC college gear. Sister-in-Law who did not know any better, picked up a Clemson t-shirt and asked 'how about this one?' From across the store my father hollered 'PUT THAT DOWN, NOW!' She soon learned not to utter the 'C' name or buy orange.

She has since learned those same rules apply to t.u.!

TAMU '91