?All of vr.com thinks I?ve ?lambasted? Billy??

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
This is news to me!! :eek:

First... I don?t think I ?lambasted? him.
Second... I?ll explain, but not apologize.
Third... why didn?t anyone post to the forum or send me an email?

When Billy made his mysterious post it totally freaked me out. I love my vr.com family, I was very, very afraid. To me, it was like saying someone in your family has died and then refusing to tell you who! It would be better (in my opinion) to say nothing at all until you can say enough to let people know what?s going on.

I love you, Ann.
Who In The Wide World....????

Who In The Wide World....????

Hi Rain,

Who in God's green earth would even think of you going on a lambasting feast? Everyone was in shock, including myself over Ann's tragic loss, and I just can't fathom someone implying that about another VR member. Gosh, I hope your not feeling horrible about this, because I know that you have always and always will wish the best for others. I will send you my Official NH Cheer Up And Laugh Your Buns Off Commitee :D :D :D :D Take Care, Harrybaby666

P.S. I sent the comittee as an attatchment....I couldn't afford the postage...LOL :D :D :D
Hey, Rain. This post really caught me off guard as I had been absent from the forums for awhile. I went back and read all of Billy's thread about Ann's tragedy, and I don't interpret that you did anything amiss. You seem like such a loving and caring person. Don't be worried about this. Hugs to you, girl. See you in three weeks.
I must have missed that one Rain. I never thought you lambasted Billy, and I can't believe anyone else did either.
No lambasting thought or implied on my end - if someone said "ALL" of vr.com, well, I can speak for myself, thanks.

You got nuthin' to worry about with me, kiddo.

Nor does Billy.
I kinda agreed that it was a very unusual request to give our support (..prayers, positve thoughts....) when you didn't know who they were for or why... I guess you were the only person who really articulated that. Perhaps it would have helped if Billy had mentioned he couldn't say anything due to legal reasons, but then I guess he was in just as much shock as the rest of us.

I don't know who's given you the impression you were out of line, but if that's the impression you have, I for one think it's erroneous.

A : )
I love my heart buddies one and all.

I love my heart buddies one and all.

Thank you guys. I almost cried when I read your posts... I guess I was needing a little encouragement. I actually came on this morning to delete the post I had made above. I find myself posting things sometimes, then thinking later I shouldn?t have. But I had just got done talking to this person and was a little upset to think you all thought this of me. I felt like I should at least have the right to defend myself.

If I were to write the response to Billy now, I?m sure I would say it differently.... but like you have all said, I was frantic with worry at the time. And after thinking about it.... maybe I should apologize to anyone who misinterpreted what I said to him as ?lambasting? ....I certainly didn?t mean it that way. He?s been a very dear friend to me.

You did make me laugh Harrybaby! lol You know we don?t have many lobsters in Colorado..... the ones we do certainly aren?t dancing!
If he keeps parading those lobsters around, he better be prepared to send some fresh ones this way! Your making me seafood crazy here Harrybaby. :eek:
Rain, not to worry!!!! Certainly did not seem out of line to me. I think we were all wondering who Billy was asking for, but you were the only one who said so....but that's OK, you know. It's ok to ask questions! Especially here!

Best wishes to you as always,

To Ross and Rain:

To Ross and Rain:

Hi Ross, Hi Rain.....
I am thrilled that it made you laugh as it is my life's mission (even if I am short of breath and not feeling so hot, to make others laugh....It helps me deal with all of the bad situations in my own life...

I am glad you like the lobsters...I couldn't resist, and on my income this is as close to the real lobster as I am gonna get....Well, I suppose I could go swimming and catch one by hand, but I think that might hurt just a weeeee bit...LOL Ross, If I could send you a live dancing lobster, I would, but until I train them to dance and tap their hats.....well, the pic will have to do...LOL :D :D :D :D :D :D Harrybaby666 :D :D :cool:

P.S. See Below...LOL I thought you might like something spicier this time..>LOL
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Rain, I think you only asked what the rest of us wanted to. You were not out of line. It's okay to pray for people who we don't know their name. God knows who they are and that's all that counts.

I love your posts and your wonderful frankness and sense of humor. You are great! !
Not to hijack Rains thread here, but my wife wants to know how it is that you know Harrybaby, that I do look like this alot!
That's the problem with the written word. It is open to each person putting in their own vocal emphasis that interprets emotion. I've found myself on many occasions over the years having to defend myself for my written word being misinterpreted.

I didn't read anything other than concern in your post re: Billy's news.

I know I'll really be in trouble when email and forum posting goes completely voice messaging. :eek:
Well Ross, You See...It's Like This....

Well Ross, You See...It's Like This....

It happens to all of the unhealthy bunch like us...LOL and if your like me and have acid reflux disease, then you should certainly relate to this poor dude ....Burn Baby Burn!! LOL Harrybaby666 :D :D :D

P.S...A lucky guess played a small, itsy bitsy, teeny weeny part in it also.. :D :D :D