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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2011
Port Alberni, British Columbia, Canada
I am on Warfarin til the middle of Sept. and was wondering what others had been told about having some drinks. I ask every doctor i have seen and get different answers all the time. One said that I have only 1 month left so not to have a drink. Another said to have a 2 drinks everyday and the last one told me that i should have 2-3 glasses of red wine only. I was wondering because i went camping for our long weekend and also I am off to Duncan for the "Sunfest" concert.
A few drinks(beer, wine, whiskey) over a reasonable time span should cause no probllem although it might have an effect on INR, but maybe not. I was actually prescribed a beer a day while I was in the hospital, post op, to help eliminate fluids from my system.....but that was a long time ago.:smile2:
Alcohol in moderation will be no problem. Getting into a falling-down, banging-your-head situation is where the problem is.
+1 on the above advice. I have never changed my drinking habits since I have been on Coumadin. I self test, and my numbers remain within range. 2 or 3 drinks a day for folks is what the American Heart Association says is OK for ANYONE.

As mentioned the biggest fear is getting stinking, falling down drunk, and causing an injury.

As for balancing your INR,,, the key is consistancy... so if you are going to drink, Drink consistantly. Whatever that may be. That way, your medication can be adjusted accordingly. IMHO
I guess i will keep track of the days i drink in case my INR changes. I am 38 so, falling-down and banging my head is out! I am way pass that I just wanted to have a couple of drinks before the concert and maybe after. No kids or boyfriend so just relaxing and enjoying life! "Hey A Beer A Day" after surgery... every guys dream.
I had a short course of coumadin post op - was supposed to be 3 months but my surgeon told me to stop at 2 1/2 months.
All my doctors said a glass or two of wine was absolutely fine. Everyone I ever discussed my coumadin with during that period all agreed being consistent is what matters so very much more than most anything else. If you want a glass of wine a day, have it. But don't not have wine for a month and then have 5 glasses. No reason for you to deny yourself that enjoyment.
the title of your thread got my attention but
I had a short course of coumadin post op - was supposed to be 3 months but my surgeon told me to stop at 2 1/2 months.
All my doctors said a glass or two of wine was absolutely fine. Everyone I ever discussed my coumadin with during that period all agreed being consistent is what matters so very much more than most anything else. If you want a glass of wine a day, have it. But don't not have wine for a month and then have 5 glasses. No reason for you to deny yourself that enjoyment.
Times TWO

Duff Man started a similar thread that may be of some help now back to my drink
I am on Warfarin til the middle of Sept. and was wondering what others had been told about having some drinks. I ask every doctor i have seen and get different answers all the time. One said that I have only 1 month left so not to have a drink. Another said to have a 2 drinks everyday and the last one told me that i should have 2-3 glasses of red wine only. I was wondering because i went camping for our long weekend and also I am off to Duncan for the "Sunfest" concert.

Hi Alesia,
Another islander here!! I had my AVR surgery on April 29th 2011, Guess what!! Dr, O'fiesh was my surgeon too!! Go figure huh? I'm up in Port all the time too, as we race 4x4's out at Woodward Pitt in the summer. SMALL WORLD EH? I'm not on blood thinners anymore but I had my first "bevies" 6 weeks in and I'm still here. I found I couldn't have more than a couple, three though, so I would recommend taking it slow and play it by ear. Have fun at Sunfest, I'm not a big country music fan (more rock'n'roll) but it sounds like a good time.

PS You can get Molson Exel (near beer) at Extra Foods, I drink it now some times and it's pretty good.
i can't help you sorry :( but i have a tissue valve and take 1 81mg daily aspirin... i did ask my cardiologist last weekend about myself and he said i can drink as much/little as i want and be okay. which is good, since i already am!

i do think with warfarin you might have to be a bit more careful....
Hey Piglet, Sorry so late with getting back to you. I haven't been to the 4x4"s in years and miss it! I will try and take it easy at Sunfest! I am gonna piss alot of people off by saying this... i don't listen to country music. I don't mind it though. I am going with my sister and a friend but most kids. laundry and cleaning house! Sorry i would never ever drinkMolson Exel (near beer). lol
Well i did not do so good at the Duncan Sunfest... I just had a call from my family doctor and said my INR is high and i should take 5 mg. So later on when makin dinner had another call from my surgeon and says to skip todays Warfarin and take 5mg tomorrow. So stupid of me to drink 4-5 glasses of red wine! And thats all i had the whole weekend and thats all it took!
Well i did not do so good at the Duncan Sunfest... I just had a call from my family doctor and said my INR is high and i should take 5 mg. So later on when makin dinner had another call from my surgeon and says to skip todays Warfarin and take 5mg tomorrow. So stupid of me to drink 4-5 glasses of red wine! And thats all i had the whole weekend and thats all it took!

Bummer, are they planning on weaning you off the thinners? How was the weekend other than that?
I just feel so immature for drinking too many glasses of wine. I am suppose to be on Warfarin til Sept. 23rd. I do not listen to Country music but Sawyer Brown put on a great show. Going next year for sure. I see my surgeon this month on the 23rd. so i will ask him if i will be weaned off. Also i am getting a Ultra Sound done on my chest that same say in Victoria. If anybody knows any questions that i should be asking my surgeon, please let me know.
You don't have to wean off coumadin. When your surgeon permits, you will simply stop taking it.

I'm surprised your surgeon told you to hold a dose. Just stopping drinking would probably have brought you back in range. By skipping a dose, you may end up chasing your INR.

Hope you got back in range easily.
Sorry Jkm7, my mistake.

Don't feel bad about the wine Alesia, I felt the same way, I wanted to feel like I was back to normal, and it's natural to feel that way. Did O'Fiesh do your surgery? I went to a Cardiologist here last week and just got a letter saying that he is going to take me of the metoprolol soon, that means no more heart meds. Maybe we'll see you up at Woodwards pit, there is a race on Aug. 27-28 and Sept 24-25 not sure if we can make the Aug one though, our Trucks still not quite race ready.
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