Alcohol & Surgery?

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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2005
Omaha, Nebraska
Hi all,

I hadn't really given it much thought, but I am going out to dinner tomorrow night and doing a "floating trip" down a river Sunday afternoon... all of which could involve drinks.... but with surgery on Tuesday, I probably shouldn't huh?

Is there any law out there - my paperwork didn't specify it (but it's also from a pediatrics clinic!)... it did mention no tylenol or advil 2 weeks prior, which I didn't realize (and thankfully hadn't taken any). It made me think about alcohol because of that reference, though. I was just curious if even one drink would be bad? I'll play it safe regardless and stay free of it, but I'm still curious. :)

Kerri :)
It takes 24 hours for alcohol to get out of your system. I'm thinking you should be okay if you can hold yourself to 2 drinks.

BTW, have fun.
My husbands surgery was on a Tuesday. We went out for a nice dinner the weekend before with wine and then went to our favorite pub and had a few drinks. He did not drink the Sunday night or any on the Monday before his surgery.
any air pilots you can ask? I believe they are supposed to be alcohol-free for 24 hours before flying . . so if you follow their guidelines, you should be OK.

I think it is probably the dehydrating nature of the beast that is the problem, so if you don't drink 'em straight, that might help, too! :D Have a couple, enjoy yourself, but don't get falling-down out-of-your-skull drunk - leave that one for your DH :eek:
i am sure u will be alright kerri since you aren't a heavy drinker.

i am reminded of the person that i was beside in the i.c.u. reading this post and only because it has to do with alcohol and surgery. i am sure he was an alcoholic as i overheard the nurses saying that he even brought alcohol to the hospital. he had surgery the same day that i did and had to have neurology come every day up until i left the i.c.u. 5 days later because of his drinking problem. he still had his breathing tube in and it got to the point that they even had to restrain him because he was trying to pull his breathing tube out and thrashing around. the one day he was particularly bad and actually had one of the nurse's crying because she couldn't handle it.

With that being said everything in moderation right? you should be absolutely fine if u have a drink or two saturday or sunday and your surgery is on thursday. me relaying this story was only because of my experience in i.c.u. but obviously this person was an alcoholic. and having a drink or two with friends is a completely different situation. so go out and have some fun before surgery.
Cool, thanks for the reassurance, Ross... I won't feel so worried if I do have a drink, then :D

Also that study was done on only 38 patients of which only 11 experienced troubles. That isn't really a study that you can draw real conclusions from. ;)
go for it

go for it

i asked the surgeon if i should stop drinking before my ohs and he replied "why would you do that?"

on the way to hospital i had a long lunch at my favourite bar with 3 jumbo sized belgian beers and the nurse at hospital gave me a small bottle of red with my dinner that night; i had zero problems.

your surgical outcome will be better if you are happy (as humanly possible given the circumstances ) and relaxed

best wishes for your surgery