Ahh, very refreshing

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
You simply must get naked and run when it's this cold. It does wonders for you!

05 08:51 W 14 10.00 A Few Clouds FEW060 -3F -10F Wind chill
Ross said:
You simply must get naked and run when it's this cold. It does wonders for you!

05 08:51 W 14 10.00 A Few Clouds FEW060 -3F -10F Wind chill

Speaking of refreshing, our local special Olympics chapter held their first polar bear swim on Saturday. The air temperature was 23, and the lake had two inches of ice that had to be broken before they began.
Yep, I'm thinking of trying it next year. :eek:
What is the chill factor at your home? Its -25 here in Bucyrus Ohio. I won't even go to the door to get the newspaper and you want to run naked outside. Don't think so. BUURRRRRR!!!! You can do it and then tell everyone all about it. You'll get frostbitten: eek:
NascarfanMary said:
What is the chill factor at your home? Its -25 here in Bucyrus Ohio. I won't even go to the door to get the newspaper and you want to run naked outside. Don't think so. BUURRRRRR!!!! You can do it and then tell everyone all about it. You'll get frostbitten: eek:

I'm showing you to be -2 and -15 wind chill. We be a touch colder here. Started out at -5, so the heatwave is beginning. Were supposed to make it all the way to +7 today! :D
Mary said:
Speaking of refreshing, our local special Olympics chapter held their first polar bear swim on Saturday. The air temperature was 23, and the lake had two inches of ice that had to be broken before they began.
Yep, I'm thinking of trying it next year. :eek:

Can I come and watch? :)
Sorry at 7 am the chill was that low ,but the news can lie. Any way it is cold!!! I haven't been out to check. I don't think its -25 more like -10 chill factor. You know how the news people are. Still, don't get frost bitten!!! Stay warm.
Until someone from Minnesota comes along I have you all beat .....unfortunately. -11, don't know what the chill factor is.

update: -25 wind chill
You can all come visit me in Sarasota if you like. I'm on my way to work now and it's 65 out, but no sun today - just clouds. Sorry, folks. LOL

Minus -9 in my Chicago location. Not sure what the windchill is? As for MN. Lived that brutal cold during my college years. This was bad enough:eek:
LUVMyBirman said:
Minus -9 in my Chicago location. Not sure what the windchill is? As for MN. Lived that brutal cold during my college years. This was bad enough:eek:

I attended college in Winona, Minnesota, and unfortunately I was there when the temperature bottomed out at minus 50 with wind chill. That was also the night that the entire campus lost power. Talk about COLD!
Anyway, that experience convinced me that I didn't want to live there year round.


Yeah! It's cold in Minnesota, this morning when I woke up it was -22 I'm not even sure what the wind chill was at that point. Currently we are at -15 with no wind chill. Yes, here in MN we didn't close school for cold weather. It does occasionally happen but it is usally (spring) fog or snow that closes the schools. I'm not sure we will have any spring fog this year as we really don't have much snow, only about 9 inches (total) we normally get about 60 inches.

The Kids Have a "COLD DAY"

The Kids Have a "COLD DAY"

School was cancelled due to the extreme cold. That's a new one on me! Our forecast says, " High: 5, Wind: W 15-25, Wind Chill: –15 to –30." It's currently 6 degrees a little after noon.

The kids' friends came for a Super Bowl party and never left!!!
Same here as PJ said

Same here as PJ said

In S.E. Michigan. Very cold and windy, going up to 7 today.
All schools closed for miles around.
Indications are that this isn't going to change much for the next two weeks.