Afib 1.5 years out?

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2011
I had mitral valve repaired about 1.5 years ago. I had a bout of Afib that lasted about 12 hours (I didn't know that's what it was at the time, but I was wearing a monitor.) I don't remember any similar episodes...I've actually been very happy with my post surgery rhythm (I used to skip beats all over the place...PVCs). My questions: Can one have an isolated instance of Afib? How would we find out if it's a recurring issue (I already wore the monitor for a month)? Is this still a side effect of surgery or something else entirely?
I had a similar occurance about a month ago....the first A-fib I have ever had (I think) and it lasted 8-10 hours. An EKG, in my docs office, confirmed that it was an A-fib episode. I went to my Cardio, who put me on a Holter for 24 hours with normal rhythm and no reoccurence of A-fib. Apparently my A-fib was a transient event related to a stressful situation, so I guess it can happen, even a long time after surgery.
I'm extremely prone to daily wacko heart rhythms and I take 2 Beta Blockers to keep them in check. Some docs may prescribe a med for an occasional a-fib episode or just wait it out.
These things can pop up anytime, as Dick has experienced. Certain foods and stress can really get them going !