Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2011
Ontario, Canada
As I learn more about my lengthy ICU/ hospital stay in July, I have done more research on ARDS. As a result of my surgery I developed ARDS and had to be put back on the ventilator for a couple days/ The bipap didn't work. I had 7 blood transfusions during the surgery and was on the heart/ lung machine twice. From what I understand the numerous blood transfusions likely caused my ARDS, and subsequent kidney failure.
I am wondering if anyone else had ARDS shortly after surgery and how they have recovered. I am thinking that my rehab might be going slower than I thought since my lungs were also quite damaged. Anything I have read about ARDS says most people recover fully, but takes 6-12 months, or even up to 3 years.
Again I am not complaining since it also states that many people who develop ARDS die shortly after.
Anyone with a similar story and healing experience?
You certainly have been through alot (certainly more than me) and I am glad that you are on the mend. I had a number of post op complications after surgery and there was mention by my surgeon at the post-op visit of ARDS due to a strong systemic inflammatory response (however there was no kidney involvement and it wasn't as severe as what you have been through). I, too had plasma and blood transfusions post-op, pleural effusion, collapsed lobe, breathing and heart rate issues followed by a high fever and bout of pericarditis (in hospital for 16 days) . It took a long time for me to get my energy/stamina and breathing back on track, but it did. :)

I also waited to do cardiac rehab as the surgeon wanted more time for the lungs to heal. I did find cardiac rehab very helpful and hope that you will too! If anything, it will help get your confidence back and get you farther on the path to recovery.
It has been a year and a bit since my surgery and I can honestly say that I am starting to feel 'normal' again. Sometimes progress can be slow but 'slow and steady' wins the race. :)

Wishing you all the best with your recovery. Please keep us posted and don't get discouraged. One day at a time...
I understand that I certainly didn't go through want you went through, but wanted to reply as there was mention of ARDS of which you were interested in hearing about.
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Reading of your experience makes me feel quite humble when I think of my own minor issues following surgery. You have been through more than most of ever will in our whole lives. What I read supports what you have already learned, that you should heal and probably quite well. Now that things are on the mend, I hope you are getting back to the business of recovery...your double recovery and that all goes well from here on. I also hope you keep us informed of your progress. Take care.

My husband has been in the respiratory field for 30+ years. He has access to many pulmonary/respiratory journals. I'll look and see if I can find links to articles that deal with ARDS.
In the meantime, I'm glad you're past it.
Wow thanks everyone for all the positive responses! I was pretty out of it for most of the ordeal, so it didn't seem too bad. Way worse for my family! Slow and steady is the way it has to be. Any further research or info would be greatly appreciated! I was only re-ventilated for about 3 days, so less than most and I hope this works to my advantage.