Achilles tendonitis

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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2001
Sarasota, FL

My left Achilles felt funny after a run two weeks ago. No real sharp pain, but stiffened up for a couple of days to where I had trouble walking. Iced it and didn't run for a week (I did get in a couple of pool sessions and a 30 mile bike ride with no pain or adverse reaction) Flexibility improved, but still had a lingering burning sensation and lump on the back of the tendon.

Went to my PCP yesterday morning. Diagnosis was Achilles tendonitis. Put me on Meloxicam anti-inflamitory and no running for a couple of weeks. If not any better by that time they'll do a MRI to see if there is any tearing.

Being on Coumadin, my doc told me to be careful with the Meloxicam and stop it immediately if I started having any problems with bleeding.

Just getting the patella tendonitis in my right knee under control, so really didn't need this, especially with my next triathlon scheduled on Labor Day weekend.

Can't run for now, but swimming and cycling is still okay. My doc is a fellow triathlete & marathoner, so is sympathetic and supportive.

I guess the good thing is that I'm ranting about joint and tendon overuse injuries and not my heart. :thumbup:

Also had my bi-annual echocardiogram last Friday. App't to go back on the 20th to review the results. The echo tech was a bit surprised by my low heart rate (46 bpm) and couldn't believe that I wasn't on a beta blocker. That's good I guess.

Sorry to hear about the set backs, but you know rest is the best cure for tendonitis...also, there are many stories from athletes who had to cut back right before their race, and went on to PR because of the forced rest......
Love the perspective: "I guess the good thing is that I'm ranting about joint and tendon overuse injuries and not my heart." Well said.

You can still swim and ride to keep your fitness up, and as Tom points out, this may turn out to be a positive. Your body may love the bit of rest and different training focus. Overtraining is way more common than we like to admit, after all.
As a PT and Active Release Technique practitioner, I would tell you to go find yourself a good sports medicine PT with experience working on Triathletes. We are uniquely disturbed ;) Seriously, Sometimes an achilles tendon can be VERY effectively treated with kiniesiotaping, decreasing inflammation and correcting some muscle imbalance elsewhere in the trunk of other leg. If you go to the active release website they list certified therapists and chiropractors. I will take a look myself and see if i recognize any names.
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