ACE inhibitor question

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2009
Houston TX
Hello all.

I've been dealing with the ACE inhibitor cough while on Lisinopril for several weeks now and it's getting worse. Doctor has suggested trying an ARB (?) Cozaar instead. Has anyone tried this one? I've read online that it, also can have a dry cough as a side effect.

I'm hoping to get a referral to a nephrologist for more information on the reason behind the kidney 'dys'function. I'd also like more info as to why these drugs are indicated since they are contraindicated for kidney disease. Most say they help with Type 2 diabetes/kidney failure patients, but I've never been diagnosed with any type of diabetes-like issues. Last blood test did not show any markers for an auto-immune disorder, but i'm still not convinced.

I'm on Cozaar.. no problem with a cough at all. Cozaar just became available in the generic form, so it's getting more affordable too. I did have a cough on the ace inhibitors though. Constant little dry nagging cough. There's some TGF-Beta manipulation that's unique to Cozaar too. Supposed to be potentially beneficial for the marfoid aorta.

The reasons for the nephroprotective traits of these drugs are not really clear to me, but I know it's documented for some types of kidney disease. That is a question I would rest squarely on your doctor's shoulders, because it's a good one.

If I take over 50mg of Cozaar I get allergic rhinitis.
I was ok when it was just a cough, but it progressed to dry heaves and I got to the point where I couldn't even swallow a pill without with gagging. I'm hoping the Cozaar relieves this.

I've been on a protein restricted diet for 20 days now, and sooo not happy with it. Never been a label reader, or calorie counter in the past, so this is all new to me. Dietician person suggested a 1gm/kg of wt. scale. 56 grams of protein isn't much when you are a confirmed meat eater/milk drinker. (on the bonus side, i've lost a pound!)

I wish I could find a doctor to handle both, BAV/kidney issues. I hate bouncing between 2 doctors. Are there any suggestions to finding a GP proficient with both? I've not found one w/ the Kelsey Seybold system I have to work with.
Ace Inhibitors are notorious for causing a Dry Cough. Doc's often switch between them in hopes of finding one(s) that won't cause problems to individual patients.

You might want to check out Internal Medicine Doc's to use as your Primary Care Physician instead of a GP / Family Practice Doc.
I too had the problematic dry cough with at least one of the ACE Inhibitors years ago and was eventually switched to Diovan with no problems. I'm not certain it is also an ACE Inhibitor though.
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I am on Perindopril. I was on 4mg and twice the Cardio has tried to up the dose to 8mg only for me to get the ACE cough.
The cough gets worse the longer time goes by on the higher dose, until it gets to the point the coughing fits go on that long that I start dry reaching.
I am now on 6mg and I found this is the highest dose I can tolerate without getting the ACE cough.
I too had the ACE cough and my cardio switched me to an ARB (Benicar) and I've done really well with the new Rx.
Tass, my doctor iniatially had me take Lisinopril in the morning. I, too, got the cough and the problem with pill swallowing. She later had me take half in the morning and half in the evening. The cough is not completely gone but it is a lot better and the difficulty swallowing some things has faded away. I took it first for just blood pressure control, however, my old aortic valve left my left ventricle stiff causing some diastolic dysfunction. Some benefit has been shown in taking and ACE inhibitor along with a Calcium Channel Blocker.

My Doctor became concerned this past summer at what she considered a possibly unacceptible level of creatinine (protien) in my blood, perhaps, indicating kidney dysfunction. For a while she had me change my diet and stop taking Ibuprofen. This culminated in evaluation by a Nephrologist who came to the conclusion that it wasn't abnormal for me. She is still going to monitor it but at present there doesn't seem to be a problem.

My husband takes 20 mg of Monopril, and before my operation, I took 10 mg of Monopril. It did not affect either of us. Could the type of ACE inhibitor make a difference?

Did the diet change alter your kidney numbers at all? I'll be interested to see if the drugs and diet change have improved my numbers at all.

The Cozaar, according the pharmacist, offers the same renal protection benefit, but without the ACE-cough. Fingers are crossed!

My blood pressure continues to be really low. Went and purchased a home monitor. It did pick up a couple of episodes of some sort of irregular heartbeat. I'm hoping to see if I can notice a pattern to go back to the cardio with. She keep brushing off the 'winded feeling' w/ exertion. Evidently she thinks this is normal for 40'ish year olds.
