A scary incident...

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2008
UK, Derbyshire
Hi all, I'm hoping someone out there might be able to tell me the possible cause of something that's happened about 4 or 5 times in as many months, but last night, I had a 'big' one and it scared me witless.

Here's what happens... I start to feel very nauseous and as if I'm going to pass out. I can 'feel' the colour drain out of my face and apparently, I go grey. Then my heart starts to flip around as like a fish on a beach. This is then followed by shaking head to toe. Up 'til last night, these episodes have lasted anything from 5 mins to 30 mins but it's been at worst an uncomfortable nuisance.

However, last night, it all started as usual but then my heart really went berserk. I could hardly breathe and couldn't move. The shaking was so bad I couldn't hold anything and I felt my skin become very cold but I was sweating so hard my face was covered. It felt as though my heart was way too big for my chest and was trying to burst out.

It was only for a total of about 10 mins before it began to settle down and go back to normal, but it's the most severe symptomatically that I've ever had. After it, I had slight chest pain and felt so weak and exhausted, I had to go to bed. I also developed an instant headache that I still have now. Today, I feel 'off'. I can't quite say why - no symptoms to speak of; I just feel rough.

It really scared me last night but nonetheless, it wasn't panic related. I don't do panic :) I'm one of those people who panic after the event when you do the what ifs, but I didn't panic at the time.

Anyway, I've mentioned these episodes to my cardiologist and he gave me a Holter monitor a few weeks ago for 24 hours which turned out perfectly normal because of course it didn't happen on cue. He looks blankly at me when I ask what this could be and there's no point trying to get to a hospital during one of these events because they are over so fast. If last night was anything to go by though, they are increasing in intensity.

Sorry that was so long but has anyone had anything similar and if so, what the hell is doing it?

Thanks so much for your help
Hi Lynn,
Sorry to hear that you have had this scare, Ernie did have similar sounding episodes before he had his AVR.
Maybe give your Cardio a call and get that holter back.
Hope that things calm down for you.
Best Wishes
Lynn, you should ask your Dr. for an event monitor (or kings of heart). It is different than a holter...it only records when you actually push a button when you feel symptoms. You can get one that you can wear for a month, don't worry, you can take it off to shower then put it back on.

It sounds to me like you are having what could turn out to be a very dangerous rhythm issue. You need to get to the bottom of what is going on.

Good luck

Lynn, you should ask your Dr. for an event monitor (or kings of heart). It is different than a holter...it only records when you actually push a button when you feel symptoms. You can get one that you can wear for a month, don't worry, you can take it off to shower then put it back on.

I second that.
In the absence of an event monitor - go to the emergency room. I don't know what the UK has as far as emergency services, but here I'd tell you to dial 911 and get an ambulance to your house to take you. You need to be seen during one of these events to find out what's going on.

It sounds like it could be anything from heart related to a full blown panic attack (sorry, but the panic attacks I have had sound just like what you described). Can you identify anything you were doing just prior to these episodes like eating a certain food, lots of activity, just after you took a specific med, etc.

Even panic attacks can be dangerous because they do have physical symptoms. Mitral valve issues very commonly cause panic attacks so don't think it is something negative you are doing or that you don't have all your faculties.

I think you should definitely look into an event monitor as well as pushing your doctor to look into this further. Whatever it turns out to be, it sounds way too dangerous to let continue.
Hi guys, thanks so much for all your replies. I will make enquiries about a heart monitor; I didn't know such a thing existed! You're all such useful people :)

As to your reply geebee, I've tried to remember what I was doing before each one and really, it's been mundane things mostly. Last night, I was just watching tv. The time it happened before that, I'd just dozed off on a plane to Spain and woke up feeling very, very nauseous and the time before that, it was early morning and I'd just put my pc on to reply to mails. They seem to come from nowhere and I can't find a common denominator.

I'm not averse to thinking it could be panic but to be honest, it's not. I had panic attacks many years ago when I had postnatal depression and it's not really similar but thanks for the reply. It's always good to get lots of opinions :)

The trouble with going to the ER is that by the time an ambulance got to me, the worst would be over if they continue as they have been. I do wonder about endocarditis though because I've had cold/flu stuff for quite sometime now and I have a temp on and off pretty much all the time. I've also got some blood splints on my nails but that said, most of my family have had colds that take ages to shift and I type for about 12 hours a day and have short nails... eeek.

It's so difficult to know what to do... I'm always reluctant to go to - or mention things to - my gp or cardio because they look at me like I'm making it up... well, not so much my gp but I'm sure my cardiologist thinks I'm faking! He never has any answers for me when I mention what symptoms I've been having, ever!

I'm so grateful to have you guys to talk to and ask questions of. I don't know what I'd do without you all!

Thanks again
Lynn...a couple of weeks before my AVR my heart would do flip-flops like it was trying to bounce around in there and then I also had what seemed like flutters where my heart would seemingly flutter. I put those symptoms in webmd.com and the diagnosis was congestive heart failure. Well, not me..!

Haha.....two weeks later I ended up in the ER and got an aortic valve 3 days later. So, you may be closer to surgery than you would want to think.

Buena suerte on your upcoming move to Spain......lovely beaches, country, people, wine, yada, yada, yada... Especially try the Albarino wine from the northwestern area - Rias Baixas ....:D
Hi Shez... eek, yeah I see what you mean. It's scary stuff but I'd rather know even scary possibilities than sit here thinking it's nothing - which it might be I guess - than pop off out of ignorance, so thank you :)

Thanks too for the good wishes re Spain! I cannot wait. I wish I was there now instead of freezing my nads off in England :rolleyes:

Thanks again for your reply :D
when was your last echocardiogram? Care to share the stats on the last one?

Hi, it was in April I think and I don't know the stats. They don't readily share info here and I'd have to get access to my medical records to know the stats. I did in fact see a copy of my records a couple of months ago and at the time, questioned the fact that on some of the ecgs I'd had there were notes, such as 2nd heart block was on one and something about qt waves on another and similar notes, but the reply was that in most cases, and ecg is so unreliable if everyone who had an irregular one were to be immediately sent to hospital, we'd need millions of hospitals :confused:

So, thanks for your reply but I have no clue what the readings were :)

Even if the event is over, a blood chemistry can be completed to check for heart attack enzymes and while you're there they can take blood for a culture to check for endocarditis bugs. It's very worthwhile going to the Emergency Department, imagine if one time, they don't stop?

See your doctor.
Lynn, Those are scary episodes and I agree you should pursue getting some answers.

I have no idea what is going on with you but want to mention that some (much) of what you describe can possibly be heart attack. Many women do not experience heart attack the same as men. The typical grasp your chest in pain, fall to the floor business or radiating pain down the arm, or jaw pain etc do not happen with many female heart attack patients. Some women have no pain at all. The utter total body exhaustion, nausea and excessive sweating (flushing) are common female heart attack symptoms.

The chances are strong that is not what is happening to you but it needs to be checked. IMO Good luck.
You need to go to the Emergency Room and describe what happened. I don't like the nausea, going gray, sweating, the uncontrollable shaking and your heart flipping around. I agree with all who said it could be a possible heart attack or impending heart attack and you should have those enzymes checked out.

I am at a loss for words that your doctor shrugged you off with these very serious symptoms. He should have at least checked out your heart enzymes himself.

I also agree with others who have said you need an event monitor.

These just aren't normal symptoms. There are red flags all over the place.
Hi Lynn, sorry this is happening,I know how truly frightening these episodes
can be. Alot of the elements that you are describing-the sweating all at once,
the chest pounding,nausea-sounds like an arrhythmia,just like Kim said.
When I went into atrial flutter I had all of these symptoms.It hit me all at
once, SOB,a sharp jab in my stomach,and soaking wet. Gina is right though,
these can mimic anxiety or panic attacks,but I doubt that this is the problem
since you have no history of it. I'm gonna echo everyone else and tell you
to see the cardio/doctor/ER.
Hoping it's nothing(but go anyway)-Dina
Hi Lyn...

I clearly remember having the same sort of episodes seemingly randomly before my surgery. I would get dizzy, nauseous, hot and cold sweats, feeling of doom, heart going crazy., I remember waking up in the middle of the night and having one of these attacks once. I did not have any pain with these 'episodes'... after 5-10 mins the episode would pass.

It was never diagnosed as anything but I can say I have not had another since my OHS and I was getting them more frequently as time went on which of course worried me.

I personally thought it had something to do with my heart...I dont know if it was a heart attack that "nearly" happened or what but thats what I was feeling at the time. I eventually had a bypass with my AVR.

I hope you get some answers as I am still curious as to what it was....good luck.
Heading to ER sounds like a good option. Even if they don't see you during one of these episodes, as Pamela mentioned they may be able to do a blood culture to see if anything untoward is showing up. The event monitor would also be a good idea (like yourself, anytime I've had a Holter on everything seems to be on it's best behaviour..!) to give you a better chance of catching one of these episodes.

The only time I've ever had a similar experience has been when my blood sugar levels have been way too low... I'd get all shaky and clammy, can't talk properly, lose colour and balance and feel nauseous and then after a minute or so start greying out.... however usually having something very high in sugar (and a lie down) would help me get back to normal. It's probably nothing to do with what you've been experiencing, but if you draw blanks on the cardiac front, it might be worth considering.

Hope you can find out what it is and get it sorted.

A : )