A Pleasant Surprise

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I love seeing pics of our members...and just look at our hairy apeman.... he's so handsome ;)...nice to see Cookers' lovely wife and Cindy and Wise too.
Although we'd never me before, it didn't take but a few minutes to feel like we'd always known Cooker & Sherry. So, it doesn't take very long, in that context, for Cooker to look like, well, Cooker. I think he'll enjoy reading your comments when he gets a chance.
I see it did not take my friend long to get these pics on the forum:eek: ... It had to happen sooner or later:rolleyes: ... All we can say is that we had a lovely time ...Cindy and Wise are just as great as anyone can imagine ... it felt like family for me from the very first hug and I think everyone else felt the same way .... I wish we had more time but we are looking forward to October all the more ... we talked and laughed ... it was a blast....:):):)

Someone said .......

6'5'' ... LOL LOL
Don't need to be on a diet ... LOL LOL LOL
Quite alright ... the Chimp's cover had to be blown sooner or later:cool: ... Now the question comes up ..... was that really me or a well trained human :p

The jury may still be out on the "simian or human" question. The jury is not out on the "well-trained" part. I can say that because I met the trainer. ;):)