A New Heartrate Thread

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
Seattle, WA
I'm a pretty active 46 year old male, with a reasonably slow resting heartbeat (48-60bpm). In June I'll be having my bicuspid aortic valve repaired or replaced, plus a stretch of the aorta. Now, I like having a pretty slow heartbeat, and I wonder if this is going to change after surgery. I'm less concerned about the weeks after surgery, but wonder whether things will change long-term. Those of you who have had valve surgery - have you noticed a long-term change in resting heartrate?

I am now 13 weeksf from my surgery for a bicuspid valve last January. My heart rate went up from 60 to about 78 for about a year before surgery. My blood pressure went up too. I didn't have many symptoms except fatigue.
Now my heart rate is back around 60 and my blood pressure is 100 over 70 - or something like that.
My energy level now is marvellous -- a remarkable change! I was so nervous beforehand, but now I thank God and the surgeon every day,


I have been very fortunate in my life. I've been a runner for 30 years with a number of marathons in my logbook. Prior to surgery, and I mean many years, my resting heart rate has been in the 38-41 area. If you read my signature line you will see I had an aortic valve replacement in Oct 2006. Within a year, and possibly sooner--can't really remember, I was back down to my pre-surgery RHR and still maintain it. I am on no medications except a daily aspirin and the last pain pill I took after surgery was 4 days post-surgery. I'm now 71 years old have run three marathons since surgery and several 1/2 marys. So the possibility is there. Just take your time post surgery, work into a fitness program gradually, with the approval of your cardiologist and if it's meant to be, it will happen.
Heart Rate

Heart Rate

Immediately after surgery, my resting heart rate was higher than it was prior to surgery. As my heart recovered from being traumatized, resting heart rate improved and eventually returned to its pre-op norm. Others' experiences may vary, but my heart rate adjusts in response to what kind of shape I'm in physically. It tends to improve when I can pursue my regular exercise routine.

Hmm, mine is still higher than pre-surgery, but I'm considerably heavier, too, so it's entirely possible that my body is just working harder. Despite working out very consistently post-procedure, I haven't yet got it to come down to pre-surgery levels, but it will, I imagine, in time as I get closer to my prior level of fitness.

Best of luck with the procedure, Red. Keep passing on the questions.
almost 13 weeks postop.

prior resting hr was mid-50's. immediately after surgery, resting around 100.
since then has been steadily declining, now at 78-79.
Yes, you can get back to pre op HR, assuming no complications...it will take awhile, everyone seems to be different in this respect, but it can happen. Also, post op meds can have a large impact on this, so beware of those.
Talking long term, my resting HR pre-AVR in 1990 was 53, 18 years later 1t's 55. I can get pretty close to the theoretical max HR for my age despite being on beta blockers. I've gotten it over 150 this year whereas it should be roughly 160 max if I was taking nothing to alter it.
Those of you who have had valve surgery - have you noticed a long-term change in resting heartrate?


My resting heart rate is 61, as of last Friday. Before surgery it was between 65 and 70.
I have no idea what my RHR was before AVR 8 years ago, and didn't start checking it until I started running 5 years ago. It was low 60's and dropped steadily as my initial running progressed. Now it is typically 50 plus or minus overnight, and about 60 working at my desk.

When the nurse took my vitals recently before a colonoscopy, I asked her what the HR was and she said "50, a runner's heart". The real thrill was that she didn't follow it with "not bad for a valve replacement".

Does anyone's morning RHR vary by much day to day? I seem to be up or down 4 beats - possible varying with late night snacks.
Mine if fairly consistent, within 1 or 2 beats either way. If it is more three or four then I know I overdid it and need an extra day of rest or cross-training. Actually, this is rare for me.
4 years post surgery, moderately higher than during my fittest years prior to surgery. but still in the high 50-ies/low 60-ies. note: other than rat poison no other drugs for me

take care
My RHR pre-surgery was 55-60bpm. After surgery it shot up to the 90's and has gradually been working its way back to where it was before. I'm about 4 months post-op and my current RHR is around the mid 60's.
My resting heart rate has always been around 50. Since having surgery 9 weeks ago, my morning heart rate is 90-100. By afternoon, my heart seems to settle down and the rate will level out between 70-80. I sure hope that it will eventually get to where it was before, but I assume that it takes time.
