A Fib Missed Me, Hit My Mom!

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2005
Miami, FL. I'm not really sure what country this
Greetings, all.

I'm sitting beside my mom's hospital bed in the cardiac unit of her hometown hospital.

She was admitted last night after going to the ER for what we found out was a bout of atrial fibrillation. It had been going on for at least 24 hours before she decided to call her doctor. :(

The ER dox quickly got her back into sinus rhythm, she's just finishing an IV dose of diltiazem, and they're going to start her on coumadin later today. :(

So... damn. I'm the one who went through heart surgery!!! And now my 84 year old mother is the one who get a-fib and a coumadin regimen. :(

I'm pretty bummed, as she is, as well.

Thoughts or encouraging words from anyone who's been through this sort of thing? I'll pass them on to her.

Sorry to hear about your mom. It is much easier being the patient isn't it?

Although I am not 84, I have been on coumadin for over 26 years and in constant a-fib for almost the past 3 years. There is very little I cannot do. A-fib, in itself, is not life threatening once the potential clotting issue is handled - only somewhat annoying (IMHO). The only thing I cannot do is heavy aerobic excercise because I get too winded.

I am sure she is scared and worried but she should be fine as long as her coumadin is managed properly and I am sure you will see to that for her.
Sorry, Stretch. Dick has a friend in his mid seventies who is also on coumadin for a-fib and does very well with it. I know how hard it is, but hope both you and your Mom are feeling better soon and that she finds it is a manageable problem and just a bump in the road. Best wishes to you both.
I'm sorry that your sweet mother is having troubles. I'm so glad that you were able to go down to be with her as the doctors figure things out. I know she'll be very proud of her well educated and experienced son, and I'm sure that your presence is very reassuring to her in many ways.

Please give her my best wishes and know that many of us here will have her in our thoughts.

Stretch don't be bummed. It happens just like other things do and it this really isn't that bad. One thing, I hope you've been learning about Coumadin well enough to know if she is being managed properly or poorly. If you haven't gotten that education yet, www.warfarinfo.com and devour as much as you can. ;) If she has a poor manager, well you know what poor outcomes can come of that, so someone needs to know what they're doing.
Isn't is wonderful how our Moms are still our mommies no matter how old they or we get. I know how you were worried about her prior to your surgery and she got throught that fine. I'm sure she was much more worried for you at that time than she will be for herself right now. Tell her that the bad issue would have been not having a way to keep the a-fib from causing clots and threatening the quality of her life. Coumadin should not take away from her quality of life and if you see that it is, delve more deeply into how it's being managed.

Wishing sweet blessings for your Mom.
Thanks for everyone's kind responses. I've been reading them to her as they've come in. (Free wireless internet access from the rooms of this hospital!)

I neglected to post, initially, one important factor that will play into her Coumadin therapy: She has neovascular age-related macular degeneration.

This is the kind caused by tiny hemorrhaging in the retina, and for which Coumadin is contraindicated, for obvious reasons. :(
Strech -

So sorry to hear about your mom :(

Sounds like the docs got her back in NSR, right? I was told (for what it's worth) that if they catch the a-fib within 48 hours they can convert it right away without the mandatory 4 week Coumadin regimin that I had before conversion.

Soooo, why now keep her on Coumadin if her eyesight is at stake? What are the risk/rewards?

My mom had similar eye issues, brought on by Diabetes years ago and had to get that laser zap surgery that was available 20 years ago to try to clear the blood from the field of vision. My mom eventually went blind which really broke her spirit. I don't say this to bum you out more but to say that the doc's may need some reminding about what's at stake here vs. what their protocol says. Coumadin isn't the beast everyone fears but like you said in her case, with her eye problem, where's the reward in this risk scenario?

Any triggers for her a-fib? Chocolate, caffiene, alcohol, weight gain? If so, obviously, try to identify and eliminate them.

All my best to you and Mom,


My husband has been in chronic a-fib for at least 6 years. Cardioverted once, only lasted four days. After this recent second heart surgery, they said as soon as they restarted his heart....a-fib.

He is on coumaden and a baby aspirin. Although it does somewhat limit his activity ( he can't run, ski, or do any other strenuous work), he is able to get around AOK.

Best wishes to your Mom.

Sorry to hear about your mom, but it's a good thing you're there to help her through this as you've got alot of knowledge to guide her along. Best wishes to you and your mom.

Very sorry about your Mom's health issues. It sure is one thing to be the patient ... but a completely different thing to be the relative/friend of the patient....

Thoughts/prayers coming to your Mom and you, as well.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
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"I'll be with you" ... Cheap Trick ... 'The Flame'
Stretch, has your mom been seen by an electrophysiologist? As I'm sure you know, they're cardios that deal with the electrical part of the heart. Just a thought in case she hasn't been seen by one. Please tell your mom that all of us here at VR.com are keeping her and you in our thoughts and prayers. LINDA
Stretch, just want to wish your mom well. Hope her a-fib is treated successfully and without event. My wife and I will be praying for her.

Wise & Cindy
There is nothing I can add in the "technical" side....I'm really ignorant about the matter but want to let you know that I'm thinking and Praying for you Mom
Thanks so much to each of you. I just read mama your posts and they put a smile on her face.

Here's the latest-

Mama's long-time physician, Dr. Joel Roesenberg, stopped by to see her this morning. He is very optimistic about her prognosis. Here's the 411:

He hopes that the afib may be have been an acute episode, rather than something she will have to deal with chronically. This is more of a hope than a prediction, because the afib is inherently unpredictable of course.

Given the fact that she's in sinus rhythm now, and hoping that the afib was
an isolated incident, he will not continue the Coumadin. He feels that the bleeding risks posed by Coumadin are greater than the clotting/stroke risks, especially given her MD.

He will keep her on a drug to keep her heart rate down, which he said is actually more important than avoiding the "fibrillation," or quivering, part of the afib.

Along those lines, he noted that the very fast heart beat she experienced actually gave her a bit of a "stress test," which her heart tolerated well. (This sounded familiar to me, as Dr. Stelzer said the same thing about the very low blood pressure I experienced due to my post-hemorrhoid-op hemorrhaging back in September.)

He encouraged her to begin walking the hallways here in order to start building her strength back up. I'll be here all day to help with that.

She will have an echocardiogram later today.

She'll be in here at least through tonight, and possibly tomorrow night.

She just finished breakfast, which she enjoyed, and her spirits are good.

All in all, a very good morning.

Thank you again for all your good wishes and prayers.
StretchL said:
Thanks for everyone's kind responses. I've been reading them to her as they've come in. (Free wireless internet access from the rooms of this hospital!)

I neglected to post, initially, one important factor that will play into her Coumadin therapy: She has neovascular age-related macular degeneration.

This is the kind caused by tiny hemorrhaging in the retina, and for which Coumadin is contraindicated, for obvious reasons. :(
I live on the two edged sword also. If my lungs decide to hemmorhage........Well if one thing doesn't get me, the other will, so you do what you must and keep moving.
I thought about you and your mom this morning, Stretch, and said a quick prayer that this will be resolved soon.
Moms are resilient beings--thank goodness!
ruth said:
Strech -

So sorry to hear about your mom :(

Sounds like the docs got her back in NSR, right? I was told (for what it's worth) that if they catch the a-fib within 48 hours they can convert it right away without the mandatory 4 week Coumadin regimin that I had before conversion.

Soooo, why now keep her on Coumadin if her eyesight is at stake? What are the risk/rewards?

My mom had similar eye issues, brought on by Diabetes years ago and had to get that laser zap surgery that was available 20 years ago to try to clear the blood from the field of vision. My mom eventually went blind which really broke her spirit. I don't say this to bum you out more but to say that the doc's may need some reminding about what's at stake here vs. what their protocol says. Coumadin isn't the beast everyone fears but like you said in her case, with her eye problem, where's the reward in this risk scenario?

Any triggers for her a-fib? Chocolate, caffiene, alcohol, weight gain? If so, obviously, try to identify and eliminate them.

All my best to you and Mom,


Hi, Ruth. Thanks for your note.

We've not been able to pinpoint a tigger for the afib, although she broke a tooth last week, and had to go in to get a crown the day before the afib showed up. The dental visit really stressed her out, so maybe that was it. I've encouraged her to give up the caffeine.

I'm sorry to hear about your mom's blindness. It's something that both my mom and I fear for her. She's been taking a drug newly approved by the FDA which has pretty much stopped the retinal bleeding, so at least her sight is stable for now, even though she is, legally, blind.
Hi Stretch,

I just wanted to add my get well wishes for your Mama. I know how worried you were over each other about your surgery. I'm sure she's feeling like she's being a "big bother" for you right now, and is worrying about upsetting you. You just tell her to follow her Drs. orders, and she'll be up and about in no time. She sounds like a very strong lady with miles to go yet.

Hugs to both of you, and if you're still there with her Stretch, please tell her how much we all appreciate the fine son she raised. She should be very proud!:)