A-Fib and food?

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hey, all--

I haven't been on in a while, and thought I'd post a quick question for you: The other night, on my birthday, I ate three slices of delicious pizza ;) and a large slice of red velvet cake. I don't normally eat this way; I'm a pretty healthy eater and love salads, fruit, and veggies...but that night, I couldn't sleep well and my heart was bouncing around like an off-balance washing machine.

What gives? Is it all the carbs? Of course, I need to tell my Big Fat Greek Cardio, who by the way, isn't so fat anymore (good for him!),:thumbup:, but any insight would be great!

Thanks, and I'll see you on the boards more!

Debi (debster913)
Hi Deb,
It could have been the carbs. I haven't had that kind of reaction, but who knows what was/is in the ingredients that made up that pizza and cake. Since you normally don't eat that way, your body and heart were likely say "WHOAAAAA" what just happened. My heart only does the mambo if I have that second cup of coffee or sneak a coke. Hope everything settles down for you. And it sure is nice to see you posting again. :)

Coult it have been your digestive system's demands for extra blood supply to deal with the fat content of the pizza and red velvet cake? If you (like many of us here) are used to a low-fat diet, your system may need to gear up to deal with unexpected fat levels, too. I know that I feel over-filled and often have trouble sleeping when I load on stuff like that. I don't think it messes with my rhythm, but then again, it is hard to upset a pacemaker!
I had 4 slices of jalapeno pizza & 4 peanut patties & felt great! (Normally, I eat healthy, too, but ain't no way I'm giving up pizza!)
Hey Debbie

Just a theory I have...SALT messes me up quite a bit Afib wise.
But so does staying up a bit later as one does on their birthday!

The cake sounds yum to me :)