900 Mile cycle ride 8 months post surgery !

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
Coast of Cornwall SW England.
Hello all ...

Well it's nearly that time, no turning back now I've set up a "Just Giving" charity page to accept sponsors of my challenge.
I've posted on here a while back about my trip across France. I'm excited and nervous about actually doing it now.
The map of France is on the wall with a big line across it from south to north, the very crude route !
Thanks to all that gave me some great advice on the last Thread regards preparation and general tips, all much appreciated.
I'm no long distance cyclist, infact the furthest I ever cycled is less than what I'll be hoping to do every day !
The charity is the British Heart Foundation, a very worthy cause and cutting edge in their researching of heart disease and care of heart patients.
I'll put a link here if I can to my web page, please take a look and feel free to sponsor me.
Thank you,
Hello WB,

Thats a hugh undertaking, Good luck on your trip.
I have too think thats going to be quite an experience. Are you going to journal your ride and post portions here?

Thanks Ottawagal and Rob,

I'd no idea what a mission this was going to be, but now I've set the ball rolling ... It's amazing, I've got an inbox full of offers of help and accommodation right across france ! I think I might have set my Sponsor target about 2400 too high though !!
I've not left my computer for two days, with a constant flow of stuff to list and reseach and look up on maps.
I'm right now putting together a Blog site, I'll put a link to it as soon as I can.
Thank for your support.
good luck on the ride. if you have any questions about cycle touring,
just pm me. i think over the years i've covered half a million miles or so
by bicycle. 900 miles is a good first tour.

what do you have for maps? if i recall there are some good map series
covering europe. michelin has a good set, as well as the adfc (german
cycling club). the german maps are pretty good, with graphic info on
traffic density, grades, etc.
Thank you ChouDouFu,
I need to get some more maps, at the moment I just have one big on, I definately need more detail for the ride.
Half a million miles hey, I've some catching up to do there ! 900 feels like a mear amble down the road now, that's good.
Thanks for the offer of help and advice.
Man I think I've ridden my bike a total of 1000 in my lifetime. I can't comprehend doing it in one shot. Your a better man than I. :)
Woodbutcher said:
I'm no long distance cyclist

Well that's about to change! What a great trip that will be. I have fantasized for years about a cycling tour of France. Travel safely. I hope to read a trip report and see some pics.
Good news, ,good news !? In the words of the great Rosco P Coltrane !

Those great people at On-X are excited about my big bike ride ! Catherine from On-X has been enthusiastically organising my "Powered by On-x" cycle shirt, having decals made up for my bike and is in talks about sponsorship for the challenge too, this has really boosted my morale for the trip !
Thank you HalleyG for your support ! I think it will be a great success too... I'm terrified though, everyone keeps asking "how's the training going", but I'm not doing nearly as much as I should be, I'm not feeling too bad though physically and I am atleast surfing every day which is pretty good exercise.
THANK YOU HALLEYG !!! For your generous donation, and to Lionheart too and last but not least Bit of a Chicken !
It's so good to have the support of friends on VR whether donating or not. Thanks.

Looks like it's charity season here on VR, I've just been reading the post by Musician2k's wife, take a look at her site here, another great charity reseaching heart disease. Good luck Carol.
WB --

I wish you a great journey and success in this challenge! Nothing will feel better than hitting the finish line each day. I just did a 3-day, 300 mile tour here in Michigan for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, 116 days post-op. Can't say I was comfortable 100% of the time :) but that was true before surgery, too.

Just take what the roads and conditions give you, rather than worry too much about your average speed or other things. I found very it helpful to keep in mind the Rated Percieved Exertion (RPE) scale they kept referring to in cardiac rehab. I had to completely change my riding style, since I was under-conditioned as compared to previous years, and thinking in terms of RPE helped me stick to a strategy.

You will do great and I look forward to hearing about the trip!
RPE, RPE ! What the heck is that all about then ? Harleysandguitars, 300 miles in 3 days to a non cyclist like me is absolutely outstanding, well done ! I'm actually trying to avoid averages and finish lines and that competitive stuff. 900 miles is a very long way and I intend to do it mile by mile, as long as I get further north each day I'll be delighted. I'm more concerned about finding places to stay or pitch my tent and having the energy to peddle the next morning.
The chap at the cycling shop in town suggested I warm up slowly for the first 20 miles each day and wind down slowly for the last 20 or so in the evening ! I recon that'll only give me about 10 miles normal cycling in the middle !! He was also surprised I didn't want cycle clips for my feet and for some reason though it strange that my chosen footware is my trusty Timberland boots !! Well, I figured they'd be better for kicking dogs !?
Anyway you clearly know your stuff so please feel free to educate me ?
Please follow my progress too. Thanks. Justin