8 month echo results

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2011
Had my first echo since my mitral valve was repaired. This morning I went to cardio appt to get the results. I've never been so nervous! (Do you know that beta blocker side effects can feel a little like pre-surgery symptoms?)

Cardio says all results are NORMAL. I have never been normal in my whole life (and neither has me heart...ha ha)!!

I only have mild regurg...cardio says most people do. Mine had been moderate to severe for 33 years (or more).

Some diameter that used to run up around 4.8 cm was down to 3.4...below 4 is normal. That could be just the size of the ring that was installed.

There is also an LV measurement which is the number cardio had been watching closely for years. I don't know exactly what it means, but it was running in the 6's before surgery. It was down to 4.4!!
Heart is remodeling just as it should, and I am ecstatic.

Cardio was amazed, and when he listened to my heart he said it was remarkable how much better it sounded.

So now the bad news...I have been on Metoprolol since surgery (25 mg/day). I told my cardio that I wanted off of it. It's already a low dose, so reducing it isn't really a great option.

I explained that I feel fatigued during exercise which is contributing to making it difficult for me to lose or maintain my weight.

I told him that my mood just feels too mellow...stress and excitement can be a motivator, so I feel like I don't really want to do anything. It's definitely tougher to get things done at work without the motivation.

He says it is just Sooo good for my heart to be protected from adrenaline. For 33 or more years my heart was beat up enough. He implied that by protecting my heart, it's longevity will be maximized.

Is this just my cardio's theory or have others heard this too?

Since I had a repair, not a replacement, my surgeon says it will last forever...no re-op, no Coumadin, no worries. I guess if the beta blocker helps make sure of that, then I will just need to get used to it. Probably a small price :)

As the mom of a 4 year old, I definitely want to be around for many more years.

Now I can get on with putting the whole ordeal behind me...!!
Carol did you previously take 25 mg 1/day and switch? Just wondering, because I take the extended release tablets, so 12.5 twice a day SHOULD be the same as 25 once per day. I say "should" because I'm definitely not the expert.
Congrats on the good news! My cardiologist kept me on 25 mg Metropolol once a day after my 6 month checkup too. He told me that he didn't want to take me off and then see my heart rate go up. More of a "just in case" type thing. Personally, I don't think it's that big of a deal, but I understand if others feel differently. Hope the recovery continues to go well for you.

I would have thought two 12.5's would be same as one 25mg extended release, but apparently its not. The wikipedia entry for metoprolol mentions this:
The active substance metoprolol is employed either as metoprolol succinate or metoprolol tartrate (where 100 mg metoprolol tartrate corresponds to 95 mg metoprolol succinate). The tartrate is an immediate-release and the succinate is an extended-release formulation.[1]

so twice a day is a bit lower, I don't know if it would make much of a difference though.