7 Weeks Post Op & Back to Work Today

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Active member
May 1, 2010
Central New Jersey
Had my post-op check-up w/ surgeon yesterday. (was a bit disappointed that he no longer had the picture of my quadracuspid valve that he took on his blackberry during surgery - I really wanted to see it.) Went back to work today (desk job) and felt pretty good. I still have shortness of breath going up a flight of stairs, though. How long does that last?
Realizing the Full Surgical Benefit and Reconditioning your Body can take several months or even a year, depending on how far out of shape you were in before surgery and how you exercise following surgery.
There have been MANY threads on this topic in the Post-Surgery Forum :) Almost everyone wishes their recovery would progress more rapidly. The GOOD NEWS is that most DO reach a higher level of exercise tolerance but that it just takes longer than they like.

MANY of our members found that going to Cardiac Rehabilitation Classes 3X/Week for 12 weeks helps get them back on track while giving them a feeling of safety and confidence as they exercise under supervision and monitoring by Cardiac Nurses. Cardiologists usually recommend (and prescribe) Cardiac Rehab 6 to 12 weeks after surgery.

'AL Capshaw'
MANY of our members found that going to Cardiac Rehabilitation Classes 3X/Week for 12 weeks helps get them back on track while giving them a feeling of safety and confidence as they exercise under supervision and monitoring by Cardiac Nurses. Cardiologists usually recommend (and prescribe) Cardiac Rehab 6 to 12 weeks after surgery.

'AL Capshaw'

Al i could not agree more RERHAB for me was a godsend as it got me in a good habit
RETIRED MLS dont try to be a hero and do too much pace yourself ,,,,,,,,,can we assume that you are in Real Estate and with the market what it is you might work Part Time till iy picksup then go a little more till you are at full bore
I was in excellent shape before the surgery and while my cardiologist offered rehab, I declined. From week 2 I walked three times a day.
Greg, no I am not in real estate (and never thought about people assuming that until someone asked me the same question a few weeks ago). MLS stands for Master of Library Science. I am a retired school librarian and am working part-time for a government office about a mile away from my home. I am able to come home for lunch and rest if need be and can leave whenever I feel the need. I did work a full day today - my first day back, and crashed when I got home. I'll take the advice given and try to be more patient with the recovery.
Yep, you'll have to be more patient or you may find that you'll take 3 steps forward and have 2 steps back.
It takes time, so be good to yourself.
This is one of those many things in life you just need to accept and be patient with. I speak from the experience of having chomped at the bit myself and regretted it on several occasions. Another benefit of the rehab program that I attended, beyond the obvious one, was that they really tried hard to keep me from overdoing it, and succeeded most of the time. The times when I didn't listen, my body told me the unpleasant way. Pain, fatigue, feeling like I had gone backwards.
You are doing very well if you were able to do a full day at work so soon. Rest when you need to, do all of your cardio and listen to the rehab folks!
Good luck.
I remember having shortness of breath going up a flight of stairs during my post-op. Take it slow and try not to overdo it , or you may end up on the surgery table. Your recovery will go smoother if you take care of yourself and don't try to rush it.
Chris, from my vantage point, I can verify what Al and others are saying. I found that Cardiac Rehab helped in setting a pragmatic pace for my recovery. Even so, at almost 15 months, I find that there is still some distance to go. Our bodies are changed over decades as our AV degrades. After surgery, most of the healing takes place in the first couple of months, much of the reconditioning of the heart & body continues for months beyond that and some adjustments continue for a couple of years beyond that. Pace yourself. You have time now.

I got the call yesterday from Rehab, surgery was on 11/19, 1st rehab visit is 12/30. i've been told I'll have 36 visits over 12 weeks. Our rehab facility then offers a 1 month free membership after which your are free to join on your own, $50/month. In the same office building as my cardio and my surgeon, 2 miles from home. Can't wait to get started.