7 months out and still don't feel good...not normal like before surgery

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
Sterling, VA
Hi...I felt good before surgery...and since surgery for the silent killer :two aortic aneurysms" I have not felt good. I'm always coming down with something...shingles, cold, bronchitis, now a sinus infection. I just have not bounced back after surgery.

Has anyone else had this situation?

Thanks Carol
I had mine Aug 2. I had lots of problems right after surgery.. had hell with atrial flutter and was hospitalized twice for that. Had fluid in my lungs and on my heart after that but I have felt pretty good since those were drained. Heart hasnt fluttered a bit since then. I stay tired and a little sore all over but I'm waiting it out. I hope yours gets better!
Hi...I felt good before surgery...and since surgery for the silent killer :two aortic aneurysms" I have not felt good. I'm always coming down with something...shingles, cold, bronchitis, now a sinus infection. I just have not bounced back after surgery.

Has anyone else had this situation?

Thanks Carol

Carol, you have been through a lot! Your health, physical, mental, other has been overtaxed for a long time. When the immune system is overwhelmed, we get sick. It takes a full year for some people to feel like themselves again after OHS. Rest as often as you can, try not to worry and take it one step at a time. (hug)

OHS takes a huge toll on your body. All I can say is don't ignore symptoms. Shingles can be brought on by severe stress. I know of several people at work who developed shingles this past year and it was during periods of extreme stress. Make sure the doctos are managing your pain control and care appropriately. If you need antibiotics, insist on them prescribing them.

I am almost 4 years post op (Nov 14th) and have endured more physical and emotional stress the past several months that I finally gave in and went to the doctor. I have a severe sinus infection from allergies, headaches caused by the sinus infection that I kept popping tylenol and sudafed sinus meds for, I finally wore down to the point I had to do something. There's more to my story this year but I won't go into that here....let's just say I have been in doctor's offices more this year than any other since my OHS, and all non-heart related.

It will get better. Let yourself rest and get strong again. :)
Carol, some of us take longer to recover....at 7 months post op I remember still being a border-line car wreck ;)
Hopefully your doc has run some blood tests to make sure that you are not lacking any vitamins or minerals. Other
than that, eat well every day, get enough rest, and be careful about germs in public places.. Lots of hand washing.

I am a year out and even though I lead a compleatly normal life, I sure don’t feel normal compaired to what I used to! Some things I have experienced, like many say out here, have come and gone, others are still dogging me a year after surgery. I hate to post things that I am experiencing because the list is kind of vast (LOL!!!) and I don’t want to make you think that any of my issues will plague you. Like the others, they will resolve when they are good and ready to.

By the way, you will NEVER feel like you did before surgery. It’s kind of like asking when you will stop craving cigarettes after quitting smoking or wanting to take a drink after recovery from alcoholism, it never really goes away, but we learn to control it and learn how to be BETTER and STRONGER than before surgery. Surgery was a blessing that saved my life and now I don’t take life for granted. When my body talks, I listen.
Thanks to all of you for the words of wisdom...you are all very kind. I will hang in there and take one day at a time.

Hi Carol

At 7 mths I was wondering how much of a permanent setback I was going to end up with. I was trying to get myself back to feeling more normal but there was many little obsticals in the way. Chest muscles were just starting to be responsive and able to lift something. My heart rate would max out quickly in exercise. Had to keep reminding myself of the "one year before you feel better" Still had my afternoon naps and reinforced my limits for a steady slow growth in recovery.

Almost a year out now and it is better. See my cardio next mth. It's at the point where I'm not thinking I'm a heart patient anymore, it's more I survived, won and time to move on. You'll get there too.
