4am up and heading for surgery

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2009
Vancouver, Canada
I'm ready can't eat or drink so here I am. Didn't sleep much if any last night, feeling calm, and just want to get the show on the road. Will be leaving in the next 15 minutes for the hospital. There was a fire on one of our bridges over the weekend so we have to leave lots of time for traffic. If that is the worst of my problems today, that is ok;)
I guess I'm starting up the one side of the mountain...I was going to say on a donkey, But I think I'd rather be on the Emu that Justin is trying to find:)
P.S Justin I heard you could use Birchbark oil on your scar as well. I don't have time to tell you where to find that;):D
Talk to you all soon.
Best of luck to you...Prayers being sent up for a smooth day for you!
Know you have left but wanted to say all the best, see you over the mountain
Sorry you won't get this message, but will be thinking of you and looking forward to hearing from you on 'the other side' of the mountain.