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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2006
New Orleans, LA
It is time for the customary one year up-date: The first year and 31.5+ million clicks passed in a blur. Wow, that?s a lot of clicks; did I do the math correctly? I encountered a few hurdles on the way to recovery but managed to clear them all with the help of family, friends and the VR.com community; you guys are great. I recently received a good one year report from the cardiologist and the infectious disease doctors. At this point my only complaints are that I am out of shape, running very slowly and that I will never be able to sneak up on anyone again?kidding; it?s not that loud.

I want to send out a special thanks to several groups:

1. ?Eagle flyers? This is a special group who in addition to their thoughts and prayers sent some powerful healing powers my way on the wings of eagles.

2. ?Class of April 2006? We got through this together!

3. ?First responders? Those who are always first to extend a welcome, offer an encouraging word, or provide a much needed link to information, thanks.

4. The ?Active Lifestyle gang? What a great place for encouragement! Just remember that the foot strikes you hear behind you may soon be mine!

Thanks again to all for helping me through this experience.

Boy, how quickly a year flies, Phillip! Congratulations and best wishes for many happy running miles!
Philip, that's great news! Congratulations on the first year and here's too many many more!:)
Congratulations on your 1st Anniversary!! Wishing you many gabillion more clicks!:) :)
congrats on the anniversary! The time sure does seem to fly by doesn't it?
I am looking forward to my anniversary, which will be in 3 months.
Your calculation seems correct to me - hard to believe our hearts beat that often in one year (even more if your heartrate is higher than 60bpm.

Congratulations on one year - a milestone that always seems the most precious.
Congratulations Phillip, and good luck on your continued great health! One year, Wow! I have already been post-surgery for 5 1/2 months and it sometimes feel like longer and sometimes is feels like it must have been more recent. It is good to hear that you're doing so well. Marcie
Has it been a whole year already! Goodness, I can barely believe it. You sound great. Keep on doing what you have done this year. well, except the surgery. Blessins.......
Congratulations...what a great milestone it is...
I too recently clicked over the same milestone.:D

Wishing you many more happy years clicking away peacefully.