3 weeks post op - virus?

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New member
Sep 11, 2016
Charlotte, NC
Hubby had AVR on 9/7 and was doing relatively well until this past Wednesday. He started to run a fever of 102+ out of nowhere. They directly admitted him to the hospital and started running tons of tests.

Besides generally feeling not well, he had no symptoms. His white blood cell counts, chest xray, echo, CT, etc. were all normal. After treating him with IV antibiotics, fluids, etc., he was released on Friday and called it a virus. He tested negative for the flu.

He is still running a fever of close to 101 (almost 5 days of fevers). Has anyone else had anything similar? Feel a nagging feeling they/we are missing something. No one else was sick and he really wasn't going anywhere before he got sick.
It happened to me, like you describe it. Same time-frame. Made me very anxious. I called the cardiac nurse, who called the surgeon. They told me to come in if my temp gets to 39 (Celsius), which is about 102 in Faranheit. It eventually settled down. When I saw the surgeon later, he told me the most common cause of this sort of thing is lung-related. Hence, the need to take deep breaths to keep air moving and prevent bugs from finding a home. Inflammation can also cause a low-grade fever.