3 months yall

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
I am three months post op today. I have been feeling pretty darn good physically. I would still give anything for a full nights sleep, but oh well. I have been feeling kind of "weird" mentally though. I know we have all talked about depression, but this is kind of different. It's kind of like ross says our bodies reboot. It feels like i'm trying to slowly shift out of survival mode back to normal life and my brain is downloading what that used to be like. Feels odd. Just wanted to see if anyone else went through that, and hopefully i'm not losing my mind.
You're not crazy. You're normal. Some of it is drugs, some stress, some physicial, some emotional, some just "pumphead."
The first year anniversary is a big step forward, as is your first trip out of town, and the first time you return to an activity, or full time work, or, or, or, any number of firsts. As you get through these firsts you'll begin to feel more normal, but you can't rush them.
Yeah, you're normal. And you are still healing.
But your new normal may be just a little different, and your world view a little changed after your experience.
Your priorities may shift, sometimes permanently.
Congratulations on the 3 month milestone. Your description of what's going on in your mind is an interesting perspective, but I doubt you're losing your mind. Could the disconnect be related to lack of sleep? I hope you're not one of those people who is too proud to take a sleeping pill.:rolleyes: Half an Ambien will get you into sleep mode, and your body will thank you for it--maybe your mind too.
Gosh, you sound like me!

My recovery was pretty rocky the first year out--and just when I started feeling like myself again--BOOM!--my mom was diagnosed with cancer and died four months later. In fact, my life has not been the same since June 16, 2006. Don't get me wrong, I am SO grateful to be alive and to do things I hadn't been able to do up to five years before surgery, but it hasn't been easy.

It seems like every time I think my life is getting back to normal, something else happens. I had that artery-scar tissue thing a few months post-op and got that fixed, then my mom, then my leg again which is fine now, and then some other personal stuff I've been dealing with lately. I wonder sometimes when I can just breathe and relax.

Our bodies go through so much with the valve surgery that it can definitely take some time before we completely readjust mind, body, and soul.

Take care of yourself--there will be a day when you feel like you have all of yourself back, but just better. I'm getting there now, too.

Debi (debster913)
thanks everyone. glad to hear i'm not losing it. at least not yet! like many of you said the actual surgery itself was really not that bad. it's all just the mental aspect of having your heart operated on and then trying to resume normal life. plus the lack of sleep isn't helping either. but so happy to have this forum to go to. now i'm off to take an ambien
a real transition, isn't it?

I think you will find you will be left with two new things.

#1. You will always be aware of your heart.

#2. You will find that you will enjoy the reality of life far more than you have before; an appreciation of the softer side of things - in other words, the truly important things that we always took for granted prior surgery.
Congrats on 3 months. I just passed the 4 month milestone the other myself. I have had ups and downs but I wouldn't exactly call it "depression". Its hard to say relate exactly what we've been through, but it definitely takes some adjusting.

I'm feeling great and just about back 100% to the active lifestyle I led before surgery. I hope everything keeps on getting better for you!
