3 days and home

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2008
Fairfax, VA USA
They must have needed that room! Not much sleeping while in the hospital. Very glad to be home. No problems so far aside from the expected chest/shoulder pain, some sweating. I so much appreciate having you all there holding my hand and informing me going into my surgery. Having realistic expectations made the whole process psychologically easier to take. I have a follow up appointment with my surgeon's office next week at which time a plan to get the details on my stented porcine valve, apparently it ws a big one. I also did have the mini Mae proceddure done as a pulomonary vein isolation to reduce AFib likelihood longterm. Right now my thoughts are with Victor Kernus, who is having his valve and aortic surgery done today at the same hospital.
Welcome home Jeff. That was fast and it sounds like with all good results. Rest, walk and have an uneventful recovery.
Hey there Jeff, you could have broken a record.....3 days WOW.
Good luck with your appointment next week, but until then, REST, EAT, WALK and BREATH.
Take Care.
Glad to hear you're doing well. Isn't it good to be home?!

Did Fairfax Hospital tell you beforehand you might be on the "rabbit track"--The Rapid after Bypass Back into Telemetry ? They told me I would probably home in 3 days, but my cardiologist gave me the term.

Catch up on your sleep, and do everything they tell you!


Rest, nap, walk and breathe.....each day will get better.

Welcome Home and Congratulations for that journey over the mountain.

Don't rush yourself. It really does pay dividends to follow doctor's orders and not do too much too soon.

On the other hand, the walking really does help A LOT.

Looking forward to hearing more from you.
Who has Jeff's gold medal? You kids amaze me! Home in three days, and posting! Great to read your post. Take it easy/ give yourself time, and you'll be in good shape in short time. Brian
Wow, must be great to get home so soon, wishing you a continued good recovery. Take care.
Glad to hear you're doing well. Isn't it good to be home?!

Did Fairfax Hospital tell you beforehand you might be on the "rabbit track"--The Rapid after Bypass Back into Telemetry ? They told me I would probably home in 3 days, but my cardiologist gave me the term.

Catch up on your sleep, and do everything they tell you!


They didn't actually call it that but they did say before surgery there was a good chance I'd go home early.

It IS good to be home.

I have an appointment tomorrow with Dr Summers btw....thanks again.
Thanks to all for those (as always) very encouraging comments. I'm following your advice, doing lots of walking and after taking the last Percocet yesterday afternoon, actually slept OK last night.
Welcome to this side of the mountain ? rest, eat and walk ?. Repeat the process ? Two things to remember ? listen to your body and it takes TIME ? Good Job!!:)
Welcome Home Jeff ~ I'm glad you did so well...i hope you continue to have an easy recovery! Take care, Dawn-Marie