2nd Time trying

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Aug 26, 2009
North East, United Kingdom
Well good news, all clear from my GP regarding my elbow infection,
So just got off the phone and been reschedule for the 22nd of this month, so just over 2 weeks waiting and preparing again. All the nerves coming back already, but i now a firm goal to distract me and aid my rehab.
To achieve peak fitness and get back to playing semi-pro basketball, so just the waiting again.

Just have to keep away from things that give you elbow infections. :p
When i said the 22nd that was obviously wishful thinking.
Hospital just rang and i have been moved to go in tomorrow and surgery bright and early on the 8th.
so stroke of luck.
Thankyou for your kind words, i will go into hospital tomorrow around 2pm GMT,
Will probably post in the evening and then i will make a post opp post when i can.
Thinking of you and wishing you all the very best with your upcoming surgery!
Yup...I can relate to the nerves and the wait. Hang in there...
yes well im all up tagged up andsiting in my hospital bed. these lovly internet & tv machines next to each bed. uk nhs not to bad so far.
speak to everyone in a few days time.