2004 Colorado reunion agenda!

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
Vr.com 2004 Colorado reunion agenda
(subject to change!)

Thursday, October 14th -

7:30 Evening meal at The Buffalo Rose

Friday, October 15th -

Golf in Castle Rock with Al Lodwick
Visit the brewery

Tour Data393 (ValveReplacement.com's Hosting Company)
Yankee Swap
Scar contest:
Loudest, longest, shortest, prettiest, weirdest
To be judged by a panel of our spouses

Official Vr.com ?group picture?
Al Lodwick
CoaguChek and Lovenox reps
Hank Eyring
7:30 dinner at the Golden Hotel Banquet room

Saturday, October 16th -


Group picture.. Again - for those who missed the Friday one
sign photo album
Recite our vr.com poem with Jean
Sing our 2004 vr.com reunion theme song

Social hour
Saturday evening meal The Old Capital Grill

The Friday evening meal must be pre-paid. If you are attending and have not already received an e-mail from me, please contact me at: [email protected]
Sounds cool...

Sounds cool...

Sounds like you've been working hard on this Rain! I talked to Dave one night about this, but I don't know if he ever brought it up to you...so I'll just throw it out there...

Since there is no piano at the hotel, (and maybe no piano player in the group), would there be any interest in singing Karaoke if we brought our equipment? Ray and I have a collection of about 2000 karaoke songs and books and it's something that we enjoy doing. We were thinking it might be fun to do on Saturday night in the banquet room if possible. What do you guys think?
Are we all reading each other?s minds, or what?!

Are we all reading each other?s minds, or what?!

Hey Jean!

Others have mentioned Karaoke too. I just asked the hotel and the Chamber of Commerce lady about a karaoke place in Golden... they both said,?nadda?. So if you have the equipment and are willing to bring it.... SURE!

Does that mean we getta play dress up?! :D I heard Janie is bringing those red cowboy boots! Maybe she'll use them for something besides a doorstop this year!! :p How about we karaoke in her room if we can't get the banquet room? You know... we?re almost obligated to party in Ms. Janie?s room at least one afternoon.... tradition rules and rocks and all that stuff!! :D Huh, Cort?! :D

Who's gonna ask Janie if she likes karaoke? :eek: :p
Rain Scar contest: Loudest said:

Now I'm really sorry I can't make it! On behalf of the rest of the VR members who can only attend in spirit, I demand to see full color photos of this contest! :eek:

Sounds like fun-
Rain said:
How about we karaoke in her room if we can't get the banquet room? You know... we?re almost obligated to party in Ms. Janie?s room at least one afternoon.... tradition rules and rocks and all that stuff!! :D Huh, Cort?! :D

Who's gonna ask Janie if she likes karaoke? :eek: :p

That would be fine, except that we'd likely get complaints from neighboring rooms--unless they're all occupied by VR.com-ers. If we are going to sing in Janie's room though, maybe we should just bring our little compact home-type karaoke machine, that wouldn't be as loud...and wouldn't take up as much room in the van either, I guess. And we could still bring all of the discs and a few song-list books.


Al just pointed out to me that this discount isn't gonna stretch far enough if a bunch of people show up at the last minute! :eek:

So! We gotta have a deadline. Surely by now everyone knows if they are coming or not. If I have not already recieved a confirmation from you... I need one ASAP. Anyone confirming after 8-27-04 will not be eligible for the reduced Friday night meal.

Did someone say Karaoke? Woo hoo, count me in. (Jean, do you have some Roberta Flack on disk? That's my standard.) Rain, I'll get the check out to you tomorrow after school. Thanks for organizing all of this. The agenda looks awesome :) :)
Rain said:
You know... we’re almost obligated to party in Ms. Janie’s room at least one afternoon.... tradition rules and rocks and all that stuff!! :D Huh, Cort?! :D

Yep...something like that ;).

He he he....

BTW...looks like a good agenda. Not sure exactly when I'll arrive, but now that I have an agenda to consider, I can, perhaps, make some better plans. I do know that a few people from my other boards are wanting to see me while I'm in Denver...so, I may either see if they'll stop by the hotel...or I may "steal away" to go visit them....we shall see....

Cort, "Mr MC"/"Mr Road Trip"/"The Uniter", 30swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72/'76/'79/'81/'87 & train & models = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
Spotting MCs = http://www.chevyasylum.com/mcspotter/main.html
Sherry said:
Did someone say Karaoke? Woo hoo, count me in. (Jean, do you have some Roberta Flack on disk? That's my standard.) Rain, I'll get the check out to you tomorrow after school. Thanks for organizing all of this. The agenda looks awesome :) :)

Sherry, for Roberta Flack, we have "Killing Me Softly" and "Tonight I Celebrate My Love for You"-the duet with Peabo Bryson. We have a lot of country, mostly because that's our preference...but we try to have something for everyone, (well maybe not a whole lotta rap :D ). And if anyone has their own discs, (CD+G's) feel free to bring them.
We may be nuts.... but we ain't crazy!!

We may be nuts.... but we ain't crazy!!

You can throw a rock and hit Denver from Golden! Get yourself on over here!! :)

Now really.... you think just cause we?re crazy enough to have the contest.... we wouldn?t have the good sense to keep the cameras in their bags?! :p

Hey Jean, I checked my contract..... we have the banquet room until midnight Friday night!! And hey... can it be any CD? Or do you have to have special stuff to go with it? I mean like we need some Dr. Hook, Eric Clapton, Neil Diamond... :D OH and how bout them Beatles... & Buddy Holly?! Heart beat, why do you miss when... lol ... and Roger Miller!! For that one person among us who doesn?t remember him!! :p You know who you are. :p :D I love Roger Miller!
We've got most of what you requested,

We've got most of what you requested,

The karaoke player will play any cd's, but if you want the words to appear on the screen you need special ones called CDG's. However, we do have most of what you mentioned, Rain. We have lots of Eric Clapton, Neil Diamond, Beatles...1 Buddy Holly (That'll Be The Day), and a couple of Roger Miller songs, (Dang Me and King of the Road). Sorry, we have no "Heart Beat" or Dr. Hook...but maybe we can work on that between now and then.

If anyone else has special requests, let me know...(PM me or something) and we'll see what we can do, we're always adding to our collection.

And Rain, if we bring the big system, it could be used as a PA system also.
Rain said:
You can throw a rock and hit Denver from Golden! Get yourself on over here!! :)


I think I mis-typed. I meant, I have people in the Denver area who want to see me while I'm in Golden...lol.
Those two people must be big Elvis fans. I like Elvis too!!

Those two people must be big Elvis fans. I like Elvis too!!

Cort... My Mom was always using those old phrases... she may have made them up herself for all I know! :eek: They pop out of my mouth without much thought sometimes. :D ?You can throw a rock and hit Denver from here? would mean that Denver isn?t very far away. lol

Jean, I?m really not hung up on ?heart Beat?... it?s a cute song, but don?t find it just for me. Dr Hook would be fun! :D They sing some really goofy songs.

The PA system would be most helpful!
Woo hoo Karaoke!

Woo hoo Karaoke!

Count me in too! I can't carry a tune in a bucket, but I'll give it my best shot.. :D And I love Norah Jones and Willie Nelson. Who are y'all trying to remember????

Jean -- you're welcome to set up the Karaoke equipment in my room.. How could I change my 'open door' policy... ;)
Rain said:
Cort... My Mom was always using those old phrases... she may have made them up herself for all I know! :eek: They pop out of my mouth without much thought sometimes. :D “You can throw a rock and hit Denver from here” would mean that Denver isn’t very far away. lol

Yeah, I figured that's what that meant. I was confused because I keep referring to the reunion in Denver, when it is actually in Golden...LOL.

I have a few people from my car-related boards that want to meet me that weekend, too...so, I'll have to schedule that in....

And...someone suggested visiting this place:

What ya'll think?
fyrfytr said:
Hey Cort, I had it on my list to see if anyone wanted to go there. It is a Great Store, brings back a lot of memories.
Take Care

AWESOME! He he he...I'm lookin' forward to checkin' it out... ;).

BTW, Rain...count me IN for Friday night...I just noticed the cutoff is tomorrow...eeks..... I haven't sent no money yet tho :(.
