2 Years

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Michelle D

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2010
Hi everyone, I had my two year anniversary last month. I'm feeling great and most of the time I forget I ever had this surgery. Today I was reminded because I have a dentist appointment and gulped down the 4 antibiotic capsules. So much has changed in two years. I am in my internships now for mental health counseling, I am no longer running to the ER at every weird heart sensation, and I've filed for bankruptcy because even though I had decent health insurance the bills were unmanageable. I'm so thankful to everyone on here that helped me out in the early days and kept me from losing my mind over silly things and I want to tell any newbies that life does go back to normal, sometimes normal is even better after surgery than your normal before surgery. You become very grateful for so many things and really appreciate just feeling healthy.
Congratulations Michelle!!!!!

I love that you remembered because of the dentist appt!!!

Many many more to you!
