2 years, and a setback

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
Houston, Tx
So, June 10th was my two year anniversary. I had a regularly scheduled check up with my cardio on June 12…over the past few months, I've noticed fatigue, shortness of breath, pressure in the chest, lightheadedness (more than normal) when exerting myself. I ride a bike, and have noticed increased perceived effort for the same observed performance. Mentioned all this to the cardio…EKG was normal, Echo looked normal (porky still looking good inside!), so he proposed a nuclear stress test. Did that last week, 9 minutes on the treadmill. Got the results today…not good news…They're not sure whether I have a blockage or have had a "small" heart attack…they're working on scheduling a cath/angiogram. Needless to say, I'm disappointed and apprehensive. thought I'd have more than a couple of years without complication….I'll post again when I know more…keep the positive vibes flowing southward!

Joe I am sorry to hear this. I hope you get some answers soon - it sounds like your valve at least is still fully functional. Good vibes headed your way!
While this is not good news, Joe, at least it is being looked after. If it is a blockage, they can fix that. If it is the result of a small heart attack, better to know and potentially intervene to prevent further damage than to cruise along and . . . bam!!

I know it is difficult to hear that things may not be as great as we dreamed that they would be, but I think it is good that if anything is amiss, you are getting it checked out and can get some help for it. Wishing/praying for your best outcome.
Well….had the cath on Tuesday at Texas Heart Institute…good news! All the plumbing is clear, and there is no evidence of previous heart attack. It seems I am the victim of a false positive on the stress test. My cardio thinks the "symptoms" I've experienced may be related to overtraining on the bike…While I'm glad for the results, I'm a bit skeptical of the overtraining theory….will watch and wait. in the end, I'm left with a rather odd shave job and a medical bill. could have been way worse!

I guess that's good news. At least they are reporting that your heart muscle is fine and that there aren't any blockages. I guess you'll just have to keep an eye on it and if it happens again, try to keep good notes about how/when, then have doc evaluate with you.

As for that "neat" shave job, I was lucky. When I had my cath before surgery, they shaved both sides, sort of symmetrically. Then it just looked like a semi-bad job of "man-scaping."