2 days post-op - pericarditis?

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Hi there! I'm writing on behalf of my husband. He's 49 and just had his bicuspid aortic valve upgraded to a brand new mechanical valve. The surgeon was able to do the procedure using a mini-thoracotomy instead of the sternotomy, so we are overall very excited about his recovery. One catch - his EKG showed a "change" that they checked out with an echo earlier today. Thankfully, the valve is working perfectly, but it appears he has a bit of pericarditis. They've given him an anti-inflammatory for this, but I was just wondering if anyone else had any similar issues post-op.

no experience or knowledge, but just wanted to say "Hi" and glad to hear that its all going (mostly) well.

Best Wishes
I am three months post op AVR due to endocarditis. I was just diagnosed with pericarditis. I have had it so far for 1 week and it hurts like hell. Taking Colchacine to treat.
Hi All

6/2015 AVR Mechanical Valve. At 2 mo post op developed fever, hospitalized & treated for pericarditis caused by fluid build up around the heart. Initial treatment included anti inflammatory 1800mg ibuprofen daily. Two weeks later back in hospital with fever and same symptoms. This time treated more aggressively with a combination of colchicine and indomethacin. One year later no symptoms, no fluid and continue to feel great.

Mechanical valve takes a lickin and keeps on clickin.
(Original poster - Hijacking my husband's account so I can reply while I wait for my account to be activated.)

The crazy thing is that I could easily see the issue on his cardiac monitor once I knew what to look for. They have him on colchicine. but it doesn't look like they expect this to clear up before he is discharged. I'm trying to take the "if they aren't worried, you shouldn't worry" approach on it, but of course that is easier said than done. He's doing great at 4 days post-op and I'm sure he can't wait to get back on here to tell everyone about the mini-thoracotomy.