1st goal...met

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2011
My goal was to be able to walk in the annual 5K where I live. Since it was only 2.5 months after surgery, I wasn't sure it would happen this year. Today was the day, and I did it! I didn't make the time I was aiming for, but I think I was only about 3 minutes worse than last year. I guess that will give me a goal for next year right? I'm thinking about trying to run it...nah, that probably won't happen....:biggrin2:
Great Job!!!! What was your final time? Next year beat it by at least 5 minutes. ;)
Again, awesome job in doing something you planned to do and doing it so well. (3 minutes off after the OHS truck, sounds acceptable to me)
I'm a little embarrassed by my time, but sice we're all friends here...it was 51:40. I was doing it faster when I was walking on my own. To some extent I'm blaming it on the fact that it was early Saturday morning after my second FULL week back at work with rehab 3 mornings a week too. I also felt like there was mor pressure to finish which caused a little anxiety about not finishing. Usually I just listen to my music and all of a sudden I'm done, but not so easy when you're being timed and trying to keep pace with others who didn't get hit by our truck :)
I think that's pretty good! Especially 2.5 months post-surgery, great job!!!!

I know you were teasing about running it next time, but you just might find yourself running it next time!!!
Close to 3mph, pretty good. I agree with others, you will probably run it next time and not even realize it. How about a sub 40 minute 5k ;)
Sweet! Congratulations on walk well done! :)

Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic
CHD.MCs.CC + RoadTrips.hobbies.RadioShows.us66 = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"It's just a matter of time" __ TG Sheppard __ 'Somewhere Down The Line'
Awesome job! I'm glad that you were able to accomplish your goal. Just getting through the race is a major accomplishment. 5k after only 2.5 months is great. Keep pushing! Who knows what you can do next!

Good job! There is no reason you cannot run it next year if you want....just work slowly but keep at it and you will see great improvements.