16 weeks Post-Op OHS - Ringing in the ears, occasional dizziness, Dehydration

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Well-known member
Jun 19, 2010
Detroit Michigan
OK, so one more months Post-Op has come and gone and I have made it to the 16 week mark. So everything seems to be going well, returned to work at 12 weeks.

All of a sudden, a couple weeks ago, it seems like I started urinating a lot more than usual, with low pressure (weak stream). Went to the Urologist, he found pretty much nothing wrong. No enlarged prostate, clean urine and blood tests. Wanted me to take an alpha blocker (Flomax) but it makes my BP so low that I had to stop taking it a couple days in.

Than came the ringing in the ears and most recently, whenever I eat anything high in carbs or sugar, I get to feeling nauseous, dizzy, vapid and sluggish. After a bit of that, my ears start ringing and last night, after a hot chocolate, I actually had an ocular Migraine where I saw the twinkling flashing horseshoe in my right eye. I had not seen anything like this sense my first week after OHS.

When I get this feeling of instability, I check my BP and HR and everything seems normal.

Heading off to see the Endocrinologist to get thyroid checked out tomorrow, Neurologist in a few days and than back to the Cardiologist.

Needless to say, I know lots of folks get the dizziness after OHS due to fluid build up in the inner ear, but this sensation of dehydration kind of befuddles me (assuming that I am actually dehydrated.

Any suggestions or comments from the gallery?
Hi Jake,

I'm new to this forum, but I wanted to respond as I've had some those symptoms in the past. I am scheduled for OHS in May, but as I listen to your symptoms, I can see some similarities. The carb/sugar weakness, I've had for the past 20 years. I'm not diabetic but if I eat carbs/sugar, within a couple hours I get very weak and dizzy. I saw a dr. about it and it was diagnosed as Hyperglycemia. Your symptoms sound exactly like it so make sure to ask your doc about it... I'm not sure about the ocular migraine but I get those a lot too. When I try to explain those migraines to anyone, you hit it right on the head. The twinkling flashing horse shoe... Usually 3 ibuprophen and a quick nap will eliminate it.

Good Luck & Let me know how it goes!
Have you been checked for diabetes ? Your symptoms are suggestive of it, especially the tiredness with carbs and the increased urinating. I get visual migraines too and they're often related to sudden changes in blood glucose or low blood glucose. If your endocrinologist is good he/she will be checking you for diabetes.

all the best,
Hey, I've had the same thing and I'm not diabetic. Lately my mid afternoon snack is sometimes a bowl of popcorn followed by a couple of Easter egg chocolates and I have gotten super dizzy. Yesterday I was afraid to stand up with it.
My husband means well and buys me chocolates, but I know that I should be nibbling on almond nuts or an oatmeal cookie, or a fruit instead. Curses on valentine's choccies and Easter choccies. ;)
Oh, and the ringing in the ears is quite constant since I am on BBs for the past 5 years, it's annoying when I lie down.
Occular migraines have always been my foe and are probably related to the bad sugar deal.
Ya know, I thought of diabetes as well, the only problem is that I have had blood test after blood test and it does not reflect high or low sugar. Of course, after surgery, I had stress induced hypoglycemia, but that evened itself out before I left the hospital. Perhaps lingering affects of surgery? I dunno!

I was on 100mg of Metoprolol and weaned down to 50 mg for the last month and am getting ready to drop down to 25 starting Monday. My BP is just great but my heart rate is still lingering around 90 to 100 4 months after surgery. I have been very active, riding the stationary bike, roller blading and doing the treadmill as well. I would have figured that my HR would have come down more by now.

My guess is that the Endo will be checking me for blood sugar as well, but my primary concern is thyroid. That I do have a significant family history of. With the contrast die and radiation, my poor thyroid has taken quite a beating!
Hi Jake, Your symptons could be caused by a few things or even combinations of a couple things going on.
What meds are you on right now? Have you checked to see what side effects they might cause? Checking the thyroid is a good idea since it can cause all kinds of symptons. Were you on Amiodarone before or after surgery?
I hope you get some answers soon, I know some of the hardest parts with anything is just wanting to know what is causing things and when you have answers you can work on a plan at least.
Jake, your situation is quite similar to mine, though not identical:
  • My resting HR has stayed higher than pre-op, even while I was on Metoprolol. At 3-ish months post-op, it started coming down, and it's now doing that again, after I stopped the Metoprool (post-Holter). This AM, I jumped back into bed and stuck a cuff on my wrist. Low-normal BP and 61 HR, which is close to my pre-op. I'm still in the low 60s now, but sometimes my resting HR is still in the high 80s or 90s for no apparent reason.
  • I have tinnitus, which I never noticed pre-op. Some days much more than others. Never loud enough to distract me, but often very noticeable when it's quiet.
  • I also often see a flashing "horseshoe" (in my case a "C") at the left limit of my peripheral vision. Clearly neurological, not optical, since it happens with my eyes closed. I usually only notice it when I'm going to bed, in the dark, and it only happens when I move my head, near the left "limit". My wife (usually the alarmist in our house) tells me she's always seen that light when she moves her head fast!
  • But no dizziness here, except when I bend over then get up fast, and I've "always" had that, maybe because my normal BP is on the low side.
  • And I've never noticed a relationship between these symptoms and diet, including sugary foods, though I'll be on the lookout now.
Hi Jake,

I'm new to this forum, but I wanted to respond as I've had some those symptoms in the past. I am scheduled for OHS in May, but as I listen to your symptoms, I can see some similarities. The carb/sugar weakness, I've had for the past 20 years. I'm not diabetic but if I eat carbs/sugar, within a couple hours I get very weak and dizzy. I saw a dr. about it and it was diagnosed as Hyperglycemia. Your symptoms sound exactly like it so make sure to ask your doc about it... I'm not sure about the ocular migraine but I get those a lot too. When I try to explain those migraines to anyone, you hit it right on the head. The twinkling flashing horse shoe... Usually 3 ibuprophen and a quick nap will eliminate it.

Good Luck & Let me know how it goes!

DASH, a heart felt WELCOME to our OHS family glad you found us are getting some of the information that you are seeking and there is swealth of knowledge here for the future now back to yopu ,Jake
Just had way too many cookies and squares of dark-chocolate-and-almonds after (a late) dinner, and I can't detect the tinnitus at all, though I could hear it last night and this morning. I don't think mine is related to sugar intake, based on a very small sample. . .
Have you been checked for diabetes ? Your symptoms are suggestive of it, especially the tiredness with carbs and the increased urinating. I get visual migraines too and they're often related to sudden changes in blood glucose or low blood glucose. If your endocrinologist is good he/she will be checking you for diabetes.

all the best,

My thoughts exactly.

Also, are you taking a daily Aspirin?
Was Aspirin added to your medication list 'after' your surgery?
Aspirin is a common culprit for 'ringing ears'.

'AL Capshaw'
Hi gang:

In addition to the Metoropolol (now 25mg) I was prescribed a single baby aspirin daily. I have been off the aspirin for about two weeks now. I have some real intense coughing going on right now so I managed to sneak in to see the lung doctor last week. Lung functions are about where they were before surgery, but he thought that it could be better. So in addition to my toporol, I get to take an oral steroid for a couple weeks.

normofthenorth, like you, I have noticed that the ringing/buzzing is far more pronounced at some times as opposed to others.

I have never been on Amiodarone, although I understand it can wreak havoc on the Thyroid. After discussing the issue of my Thyroid with the Endo last week, I got a battery of Thyroid hormone tests, and I’m heading in for an ultrasound as after he felt me up good, indicated that my thyroid was indeed enlarged. I didn’t realize it but there are other telltale signs of thyroid issues that have been going on that I did not even realize. Apparently, joint and tendon problems, swallowing issues and even hoarseness of the voice, eye irritation, all things I have been living with for years. Finally, the tipping factor was my family history of Thyroid problems. After discussing the dizziness, he ordered some kind of glucose test that takes a few hours.

So, long story short, it’s back to the U of M for some tests and see what is going on.