12,000th post ct prize date

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Well for those of you that rejoice in such things, it's going down Sept 29th and I will be going in anticoagulated.
Well, I definitely have to make sure I never hit 12,000 posts.;) :D :eek:

Seriously, Ross, please take care and we will be thinking of you and wishing you well.
This guy is different then the one I saw in the hospital. I guess this one saw me when I was in CSICU after AVR in 2002. He said he's about 90% sure the bleed originated in my stomach and really doesn't expect to find anything by colonoscopy. He too went on to say that cats have 9 lives and that he figures I'm a cat, but I've used most of my chances up, so better safe then sorry.
:eek: remind me not to post too often then if this is the prize!...

I am hoping this is one of those things thats only scary to us who havent had them...thats what my mum says and mums always seem to know! ( and she has had one too)...rice-bubbles and apple juice for a day or two beforehand is what she reckons made all the difference ;)
Can there be a live-feed from the exam room so we can all enjoy your 12,000 post prize?:D :D :D

Behave yourself, and don't go doing anything intentional or unintentional to make a name for yourself. We want a nice boring colonoscopy.
Good luck, Ross! (I'm a LONG way from 12,000 posts, and if that's the prize, well I'd rather poo my pants). Not like I personally know this, but at least your farts are unsmelly right after a colonoscopy. :p
Hey one good thing so far. I won't be doing the conventional Go Lytely route. Doc says his office is one of, if not the only in our area, to be doing a new cleansing deal. GATORADE! I get to take 2 Zelnorm tablets at 5pm the night before, mix up Miralax in 64oz of gaterade and drink 8 oz every 20 minutes starting at 6. The wife will be at work, no kids, so.......THE BATHROOMS MINE!
Good Luck Ross!! I got to prepare for my last colonoscopy without that nasty stuff also. It makes it alot easier to prep. Hope everything is uneventful. Let us know the outcomes ( I mean results of the scope!):D
Good Luck Ross. we'll keep you in our prayers for an uneventful procedure. Love the new avatar!!!
Remember to have your dear wife write on your bottom before the proceedure..

"No exit!"
"One Way"
"Do not enter"
"Beware.. unexplored territory"

Take care and I do hope that they find NOTHING!! This is one simple proceedure that will stay that way!! Ya hear;)
Hi Ross, well at least you finally encountered a doc who seems to understand about the need for you to stay on warfarin during this procedure! That's a majorly good thing. :)

Sorry you have to go through it all, but hopefully they will be able to give you an all clear, no problems answer afterward.

Good thing you will have the bathroom to yourself! You will indeed need it! But Gatorade sounds better than "Go Lytely".

The meds should make you happy!

Will be thinking about you on the 29th.