10 days since surgery

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Dec 5, 2011
So....yeahh.... 10 days since I went under the knife. I will not go in
too much detail about prior to surgery. Basically, I was ready to have
my valve replaced due to moderate to severe stenosis. For the last three
days since release from the hospital I am noticing improvements as was noted
while in the hospital. I think the pivotal point to this process is to note that
I switched doctors due to the feeling I wasn't going to make it to the next echo and seeing
I already moved several hours away, it would serve me well to both get a third opinion. The effort
to due simple things I felt was always a bit of a risk and efficently finding a network of health professionals
nearby was very important. Although, I don't know what my other cardiologist would have
recommended had I gone to him this one wanted to operate. I didn't argue. From
the echo, TVE, and CTscans it was enough to say let's go in. In hindsight the second
pivotal point was after surgery to discover the leaflets were almost non-existent. I can't
put a guesstimate as to how much time I had left.

With a St. Jude mechanical valve now in place the hospital staff said I recovered very quickly without
some sketchy standing moments initially. I did feel coming out of surgery different on all levels. Maybe,
the meds were really good but nonetheless have a proper functioning valve was liken to being a person with
a different body type. The blood flow to the brain and the cognition improvements that go along were reassuring.

Fromadvice and preparation, expectations were always in the back of my mind and yet I know those preconceived notions
can cloud ones judgement. I'm in a bit of disbelief that I am feeling well again and that after passing hurdles and goals
everyday, the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle is within reach. I am told that in about a month I will feel really good. That is
happening now. I can't fathom what will be available in ten years.
Glad to hear all went well. I experienced alot of emotion and even depression in those first few weeks at home, so if that happens to you, it is normal! Best of luck with your recovery!


Glad to hear all went well. I experienced alot of emotion and even depression in those first few weeks at home, so if that happens to you, it is normal! Best of luck with your recovery!

Yeah, I was told that as well. For certain, the mood swings are all over. I was a bit teary eyed the other day and couldn't figure
out why. I often tell people I did not sleep for several years before surgery, well, no deep REM sleep due to the heart being enlarged
and bounding. My doctors kind of scoff at that comment because without sleep people tend to die. Now I go right to bed and am
in the land of jumping sheep. Forgot sleep could be so good even with the nightmares.
BAVjohngo did not know that heart had anything to do with rim sleep i have noticed that i don't have the wild and crazy dreams anymore kinda strange and kinda miss them sometimes they where not night mares just crazy dreams.
Glad to hear you are feeling better after 10 days. I too had my AV replaced the day before you. I forgot what it was like to feel good as I had some fatigue late Sept when I suffered my first and only bout with AFIB. I live up in Canada and we have had a lot of snow and cold temps, so my cardio rehab is limited to the house, a lot of circles. But your right, each day brings less discomfort and more strength. I still find it hard to get a full 8 hrs sleep, but it's getting better. I hope you continue to progress with your recovery at great lengths. Thanks for sharing.
