1 yr soon and checkup next week

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2005
formerly Beautiful Ozarks, near Branson, MO, now C
My 1 year "birthday" is coming soon (3/29) and I go for my check-up next Wednesday. He's already told me that he will be doing all the tests to check my heart. I have a few minor (I hope) issues, but nothing I'm overly concerned about. However, I would appreciate all the prayers I can get.
All that being said, my upcoming appt. has caused an uproar in my family. I'm one of those people that goes to the Dr. alone. I knew when I went in 3/05 that he was going to tell me it was time for surgery. But I need that small amount of time to deal with on my own. Not even my husband was allowed to go. My daughter ( who was not there when I had surgery) took it upon herself to tell my mother that I needed someone with me for my appt.next week. Needless to say, I (nicely) put a stop to that. I understand that they all love me and are concerned, but am I being unreasonable? If I had my choice, when I had surgery, no one but husband and kids would have been there, but kind of hard to keep things like that secret. I don't want to hurt anyones feelings, but I just need alittle private time to deal with major issues. And I guess, if I'm honest, I keep my fears to myself. My husband knows this about me and accepts that I'm a little weird.( ok, a lot weird)
Is anyone else like me in this regard? I would welcome any and all views on this, maybe I'm just selfish?
I go alone, too - and don't want it any other way. Don't know why. My husband is the same way. I think it's privacy. This irritates my mom, but she's a thousand miles away so I really can keep stuff from her (until the whole story is available).

My kids and mom were furious when I didn't tell them about my breast cancer until I had the diagnosis & everything. But I don't want to chat about it until I get answers. I don't want to listen to the what-ifs. I guess I don't like being talked about!

I don't need or want "support" when I go to the doctor - if I'm going to have a meltdown I want to be the only one there.

So I'm with you and no, you're not selfish - everyone handles stress and disease differently. If you had a whole production number with everyone accompanying you to the doc, you'd feel more stress and tension than being alone. Everyone needs to be allowed to deal with this stuff in his/her own way.

Good luck at your appointment.
I don't think you are being unreasonable at all. It should be all about making YOU comfortable. I'm not sure what your family thinks they can bring to the situation anyway. The only time I have had people with me at the doctor's office was my pre-op surgeon visit and post-op appointments when I was unable to drive. I find it easier to focus when you are in an one-on-one environment.