1 year yesterday....Nov. 5, 2008

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c terra

Active member
Oct 3, 2008
Dallas, TX
Hey just wanted to say ... I had my 1 year anniversary yesterday Nov. 5, 2008. I had my BAV replaced with a cow valve and then got a added bonus Nov. 12, 2008 of having Metronic pacemaker. But I am very thankful because I wouldn't be here spending time with my family & friend other wise. I had complete heart block and I'm 100% paced.
Like I said I am very thankful to the Lord,Jesus for allowing the doctors to do what they did. But I would love to say everything is all better now...but it's not I still am a puzzle to my cardilogist ...Have finally gone and got a second opinion. Really like my new card. she very much wants to cover all possiblities
of what else might be going on. She has personally called me 2 or 3 times and talked for 20 minutes or so about whats going on(never got this before)
Have worn a advent miontor for 3 weeks 24/7 (except showers) and should be hearing about this in a week or so.(Actually, my EP card. ordered that). They feel like I maybe having more Afi-b. issues. Which they know I already have some.
Thanks so much for listening too me...If anyone has any advice I WOULD love to hear !

c terra
BAV replace Nov. 5, 2005 cow vlave
Metronic pacemaker Nov. 12, 2008 Complete Heart block, 100% paced
limited sceladoma April 2008
Mitral & Triscuipd valve- mild to moderate
Happy 1st valversary to you & I pray that you have many more years ahead of you! Your cardiologist sounds wonderful......very few would take the time to personally call their patient at home.....she's very special!

I hope that your issues are resolved soon. Hang in there & we'll pray for the best!:)
I switched cardios as well, right after my surgery, and I am much happier with the new one. The old one inadvertently nearly killed me. Glad it is working out better for you with the new!