1 year post op - 10,000ft

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2007
Osaka, Japan
It's been a year since my AVR, and I decided to celebrate by climbing a 3000m peak, which is almost 10,000ft above sea level! I had no problems with altitude sickness or stamina. The mountain also happened to be the last peak in my quest to climb the 100 famous mountains of Japan, which has taken me the last 5 years or so to complete.

I just wanted to let all the newbies know that you can return to your regular self after surgery. I've loved hiking since I was a child and didn't let surgery get in the way of my life long passion.

Here's a description of the 100 mountains

The chinese characters in the photo mean "completion of the 100 famous mountains"
Wow, Wes what a wonderful way to celebrate an AVR anniverary and I thought running a marathon was great!:) That is quite an accomplishment to have reached your goal of 100. Congratulations and keep on climbing. The sky is the limit.
Oh my what a wonderful,wonderful achievement
Thanks for sharing with us all and glad you are
doing so awesome.:)

zipper2 (DEB)
That is awesome, Wes!

CONGRATULATIONS on your 1 year anniversary :).

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"The sun is on my side and takes me for a ride" ... Natasha Bedingfield ... 'Pocket Full Of Sunshine'
Thanks for sharing the video and the short history on your heart. It's amazing what we can do after surgery, at any age, and getting the word out is really important for those that think it's the end.
Once again, congratulations on a tremendous accomplishment.
beautiful mountains. Congratulations on your accomplishment and determination to get there by year one! You are a true example of good health after the original 'climb' over the mountain.

You are just a young'un, aren't you? You've got many more mountains to conquer.
upz for you - very well done, indeed!

do u measure heart rate while hiking? If so what kind of HR do you reach on a steady uphill track?

best regards
Awesome!! I've got a climb of my own to conquer post op, so it's great to see you've already been there and done that :) It's not quite so high... but it's still something I couldn't manage and I hate being beaten!

Congrats on your anniversary too (even if belated).

A : )
upz for you - very well done, indeed!

do u measure heart rate while hiking? If so what kind of HR do you reach on a steady uphill track?

best regards

I don't keep track of my heart rate (well, at least not officially). I do keep track of my pace and breathing however, always making sure to breathe deeply from the diaphragm - inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. The most important thing with any post op aerobic activity is to listen to your body.

Thanks to everyone for the great comments. I'm currently planning my first post op snowboarding trip sometime in January. Yes, I've bought a helmet just in case!
What an amazing and incredible picture! Your passion and intense spirit shine through! I had climbed a couple of "14'ers" in Colorado a few years before my surgery....and I loved seeing your picture from your posting. Congratulations on your health and regaining your strength and stamina!
Have fun in January on your next sporting trip!
