1 month anniversary :-)

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2011
okay, so this may be over the top, but I am posting my 1 mo. BAVR post-op, so please have a heart (pun intended) in understanding :D

Feeling great...was actually working a couple hours a day 1st week being released from hospital stay of 3.5 days and actually went in one day to walk and say high to some folks; able to drive at 3 weeks; been off prescribed pain meds since 2.5 weeks post-op (unless occassional coughing spout); working full-time since 3 weeks post-op (mostly from home); no longer have to sleep on my back (but still doing it to ease into it); can cough with little pain (in other words, I don't have to hug my heart pillow); building my stamina by walking quite a bit, including stairs (no, I am NOT overdoing it, just working out at my pace); running a marathon next week - haha, just seeing if ya'll paying attention...at 6 weeks will be able to start lifting more that 5 pounds which will allow me to hold my 6, 4 anbd 17 mo. old childrent; start cardiac cardio at 8 weeks so that will be my next big test of truly how I am feeling; 3 month post-op target date or (04/11/12) to have ALL my restrictions removed...we'll see.

Passing on speedy recovery to ALL.


Marathon, indeed, Scott, we say this so often that it sounds trite, but it is never the less true that recovery is a very personal experience and what is a problem for one may not be a problem for another. As you manage your recovery, it is important to listen to your body. I think many of us are a little shy of exploring our new powers and may be too cautious at first but that is normal and passes soon. I'm glad to hear you are feel good, Scott.

You know, if I'm not mistaken, I do believe a certain member around here (I won't mention any names) commented on my 1 year anniversary thread shortly before his own surgery, and my reply included very specific instructions to share similar good news at the earliest post-surgery opportunity. So, to this nameless member, let me just say - thanks, and well done. And enjoy those kids... :)
Thank you everyone for the kind words...Don't worry, I won't mention any names either, ElectLive...oops, sorry :D Keep living the dream and continuous recovery all!


Great news...these stories are very inspirational to those of us going in soon. I'm more afraid of the recovery than anything else at this point...your story gives me hope :).
my best piece of advice is positive attitude while having your emotional release...also, don't use others as a benchmark, everyone heals at a different pace, so if you read that someone is here at this point, do NOT let that take you off of you track or things that are out of our control...healing unfortunately does NOT have an exact schedule...there are always two wolves to feed, the pity/negative one or the small victories / positive one...which one will you feed?! like most things in life...80% mental

Best of luck with your surgery and wishing you a speedy recovery

Now for the key question, Scott --- have you had your first sneeze? If not, keep your heart pillow around. The thing I really wanted to celebrate was the day I was able to sneeze without pain.
my best piece of advice is positive attitude while having your emotional release...also, don't use others as a benchmark, everyone heals at a different pace, so if you read that someone is here at this point, do NOT let that take you off of you track or things that are out of our control...healing unfortunately does NOT have an exact schedule...there are always two wolves to feed, the pity/negative one or the small victories / positive one...which one will you feed?! like most things in life...80% mental

Best of luck with your surgery and wishing you a speedy recovery


Thanks...It's funny but I'm actually expecting a longer recovery time (due to my history with anesthesia and pain meds). I don't feel like that's "negative"...it's just me. I think it's better to expect a little worse, so you don't get down when you aren't the best. That is not at all saying that I expect my surgery itself to be worse. I have boat loads of confidence in my surgeon. I just know that my body typically takes longer than others to recover. I'm glad your recovery is going so smoothly!

Perfectly put....we all tend to know our own bodies, which should help us set our individual recovery expectation (regardless of what we read about others - we are all here to support one another). IMHO, you have the right positive attitude and will have a terrific surgery. Best of luck as your name is called from the waiting room! Please keep us updated.

