Cardiac Catharsis...sigh

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2010
Nova Scotia ( formerly ON)
I am seeing my new cardiologist on next Wednesday....theoretically for a stress test but the last one a few weeks ago was cancelled due to BP and EKG. Although edema has been an issue for years, even before surgery, adding to my cardiac carnival, I have recently developed "leaky leg" syndrome.

While not ideal with the spectre of edging closer to congestive heart failure, here is a chuckle I am willing to share with the class...the lovely picture of having to affix feminine hygiene products to my calf/shin to avoid soggy socks and shoes. Yeah...all fun and games until the tape gets soaked and "IT" falls off and slides out from pant work.....worse than the toilet paper stuck to the shoe.

Yep..... step right up folks....get your tickets here.
Well...Stress test lasted mere moments before angina and lack of oxygen shut 'er down. Marathon records remain safely unchallenged however, One good thing was immediate consult hastily arranged with a hematologist to see if perhaps this anemia thing could be addressed. All signed up and waiting for yesterday's blood results for the final tally before treatment. Although somewhat oxygen depleted, I did hear the learned doctors' discussions of other fun things to explore such possible a valve failure and follow up tests to be set up. The hypertension elephant (230/115) in the room did sit quietly in the corner trying not to drawn attention. Things did calm down some and I was able to leave and lo and behold with my cell barely recharged this morning I was called in for an echo today.

Will prefer to remain optimistic and think that the sturdy bovine, who was selected for my valve, can do better than a short 5 years . Prefer to go with Anemia as the daily challenge for an easier fix and win !!

On another note for those with the fortitude to read the rambling post, my day did end on a exciting note of me opening the door at 12:30am thinking rascally racoon vandals had returned only to open the the door to come face to face with a bear on my deck. Yes, there was a glass storm door between us but once I got over the surprise, I did make the sensible decision to close the door...before going get my camera.

Ridiculously bad shot of darkness with maybe a hint of bear..but there is always tonight.



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I am seeing my new cardiologist on next Wednesday....theoretically for a stress test but the last one a few weeks ago was cancelled due to BP and EKG. Although edema has been an issue for years, even before surgery, adding to my cardiac carnival, I have recently developed "leaky leg" syndrome.

While not ideal with the spectre of edging closer to congestive heart failure, here is a chuckle I am willing to share with the class...the lovely picture of having to affix feminine hygiene products to my calf/shin to avoid soggy socks and shoes. Yeah...all fun and games until the tape gets soaked and "IT" falls off and slides out from pant work.....worse than the toilet paper stuck to the shoe.

Yep..... step right up folks....get your tickets here.
I have the same problem, it has a lot to do with water retention. but I never use pads for my leakage, I have gauze to help out. Have you had any doctors' take a look at the leaky leg at any time. Mine always is a slight sore that is a hole in the skin, hence the leaky leg from water retention. I have had ti looked at, but at a charity hospital and revolving doctor door, no one does much for it unless there are sign of infection at the time. I am going through a leg leakage right now, but it is not as bad as it usually is, and infection is coming out as well. Be good and have a doctor check the leaky leg situation, might have infection in there. Let me know how it come out. Hugs for today.
Well...Stress test lasted mere moments before angina and lack of oxygen shut 'er down. Marathon records remain safely unchallenged however, One good thing was immediate consult hastily arranged with a hematologist to see if perhaps this anemia thing could be addressed. All signed up and waiting for yesterday's blood results for the final tally before treatment. Although somewhat oxygen depleted, I did hear the learned doctors' discussions of other fun things to explore such possible a valve failure and follow up tests to be set up. The hypertension elephant (230/115) in the room did sit quietly in the corner trying not to drawn attention. Things did calm down some and I was able to leave and lo and behold with my cell barely recharged this morning I was called in for an echo today.

Will prefer to remain optimistic and think that the sturdy bovine, who was selected for my valve, can do better than a short 5 years . Prefer to go with Anemia as the daily challenge for an easier fix and win !!

On another note for those with the fortitude to read the rambling post, my day did end on a exciting note of me opening the door at 12:30am thinking rascally racoon vandals had returned only to open the the door to come face to face with a bear on my deck. Yes, there was a glass storm door between us but once I got over the surprise, I did make the sensible decision to close the door...before going get my camera.

Ridiculously bad shot of darkness with maybe a hint of bear..but there is always tonight.

I am a bit confused. You implied you are edging towards congestive heart failure. From your symptoms especially your pedal edema you are in congestive failure. Your hypertension is horrible. I wouldn’t be surprised if you have significant kidney impairment also. You mention you are anemic also. There is an entity sometimes called anemia of chronic disease which is quite common which you may have. So number one you need to get on top of the blood pressure. That in and of itself can kill your heart and your kidneys. Then you deal with with everything else. You may need to push harder with your physicians. I personally believe if I were not a physician I would be dead. I have been my own best advocate. Three open hearts, ( AVR + aorta), mitral clip,3 ablations, 3 stenting procedures (8) stents,4 pacemakers and I still bike 100 miles week.
You hopefully should not have to deal with your skin breakdown.