Deja vue... here I go again

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Praline Supporter
Supporting Member
Dec 18, 2005
I just finished putting my suitcases in the car to run away from Gustav. The last time I did this, it was Labor Day weekend 2005. We were running away from Katrina and I had John with me. I dread doing this by myself.:eek:
I spent some time at school today getting stuff off the floor, turning off and unplugging computers, etc. So far it sure looks like it is heading this way.
Please say a prayer for us.
Oh Praline, I do hope you are home again soon...and that your home and your school will be spared this time!

Good luck!
What ever you do Praline stay safe.
And try to keep in touch with if and when you can.

Take Care and drive safe, I'll be praying for your safety.
Praline praying for your safety
Stay safe and and if able keep in touch.

zipper2 (DEB)
Praline, I've been praying for you already, and will continue. Sending a big hug. Stay in touch if you can. Your valve bro Brian
we are getting lots of info along the Gulf coast and so far, it's still Praline's storm, but hope it veers west from N.O. although the winds and rain are mostly on the right side of the storm so even if it misses N.O. they can still get lots of stuff. Let us just pray that it will downgrade before it hits anywhere.

There are two more out there in the Atlantic and we are also carefully watching them. This is a busy season for 'canes. And we pray for blessins instead of danger..........

Godspeed, Praline.
In what direction are you headed?

Looks like in could come in at Intracoastil City or Vermilion Bay which would put it right over our area. We will be heading out as well but not until tomorrow. This is not good for all of coastal La.

Stay safe and update us when you can. You are in my prayers
I just finished putting my suitcases in the car to run away from Gustav. The last time I did this, it was Labor Day weekend 2005. We were running away from Katrina and I had John with me. I dread doing this by myself.:eek:
I spent some time at school today getting stuff off the floor, turning off and unplugging computers, etc. So far it sure looks like it is heading this way.
Please say a prayer for us.

If you're headed where you went during Katrina, let me know so we can get together.
If you need a long term place to stay, you're always welcome here.
You have our prayers for your safety Praline. Hopefully you'll be able to return home before long. You've certainly had more than your share of this and we hope this threat proves less than currently projected.
Yaps is over there, too, near Pensacola and Mobile. Either or both of these will probably get lots of rain and wind because they are on the right (east) side of the storm if it goes as currently predicted.

So far it hasn't quite decided where it's goin.

Haven't seen anything on Hannah today.
Yaps is over there, too, near Pensacola and Mobile. Either or both of these will probably get lots of rain and wind because they are on the right (east) side of the storm if it goes as currently predicted.

So far it hasn't quite decided where it's goin.

Haven't seen anything on Hannah today.

Ann, the same thoughts have been going through my head. It doesn't look good. I am praying for everyone's safety.
Thanks to everyone for the good wishes and prayers.
Mary, thank you for your offer but I did not want to go that far by myself.
I decided to come over some friends. They were very kind to invite me. I left at 6:30 this morning and it is only about 2 and a half hours from my house. I am in Mississippi a little bit south of Hattiesburg. I think we will be fine here. There is no water nearby to flood anything. It is in the country and pretty high. They were here for Katrina and were fine except that they lost power. Now they have a generator on the back deck.
Gustav is heading straight where I live. I am really worried about my pecan tree falling on my house. I have been wanting to get it trimmed or cut down for this reason BUT it costs about $1500.00 just to trim it.I had $1000.00 saved toward it . Then my living room window started to leak this summer and had to be replaced. It is a big picture window and I figured I would replace all 3 windows in that room while I was at it. There went my tree money.:(
I figure I have insurance, both homeowners and flood. I did my share. The rest is in God's hands.
If I can, I will keep you all posted.
Keep praying...:)

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