mowing and chest wall soreness...

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We all heal at different rates and it takes time for muscle and nerves to recover ......I sas fortunate in that my cardiac rehab included nautalis equipment by wich I could work out defined areas and build SLOWLY ....because I have no sternum it was really important I approach it that way as they had no idea what to do with me !
I had a similar experience. I am about 10 weeks out and on Saturday for the first time had to carry my own bags in the farmer's market and at the grocery store. I thought I'd be fine and felt no pain while doing it. Next day I had some soreness that lasted until today.
Everyone heals at different speeds. I know that I felt soreness in my chest wall for well over a year, although the frequency went down over time. But now, I have more dull aches than anything, and they are much less frequent. These may be weather related or occur when I sit hunched over for too long, such as after a really long day at work or on a red-eye flight.
Know what you mean about feeling sore the next day after carrying stuff,etc...You don't necessarily feel the discomfort when you are doing it.Hits you later!
Thanks for sharing your experience with soreness. Something to keep in mind while getting back to my activities.
I'm another one about 15 months post-op and I still find that some activities cause discomfort. It hits most often when I do things that are not part of everyday life, so I imagine it has to do with muscles losing conditioning due to less activity. In the last couple of weeks I have removed and re-installed some window shades and I hurt in places I didn't know there were muscles! It does get better, just don't overdo it too soon.
I think we are all very different, at 12 weeks I tried to clean the counter tops in my kitchen - no scrubbing, just wiping them down -- the next day I really paid for it! It took me 6 months before I even attempted to lift my 10 pound cat!!!

10 months out from surgery, I'm completely where I was pre-surgery (still weak - HAHA)!!!!

Thanks for sharing your experiences with postop discomfort. I'm finding out that it takes some time to get back to doing everything. I'm thinking I will have to designate weedeating duties to someone else this summer. Dang it!
Know what you mean about soreness after cleaning duties.Catches up with you later. I vacumned a couple weeks ago (ten weeks postop) and man did I ever pay for it later.SORE! I have a assigned that taks to someone else! This postop journey has been an interesting one...
Man, I did some light abs 4 weeks out and my chest was pretty tender for 2 days after. Lesson learned was that your abdominal muscles can pull a bit on parts that pull on your sternum. Avoid doing abs until you can do most other things.