Just to bring all up to speed

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Well-known member
May 31, 2010
kansas city, mo
Well, I have been busy in other chats, but got to get you all caught up on my other health issues. First, need hearing aides. Two, got neuropathy in my left foot and feels like it is trying to be there in the right foot. And have Mitral valve calcification, but the cardio folks are keeping a close eye on it. Just sorry it took so long to get you all caught up on me. But I am taking things in stride. Trying to get some walking in. Just hanging in there as usual. Have a great week.
Thanks for the update Caroline.

Sorry to hear about some of your complications. I've got a little mitral valve calcification myself. My cardio is not at all worried about it.

Keep up the walking. It is so good for us all.