Just got diagnosed as severe

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Jun 28, 2019
Bangkok Thailand
Seeing my my main cardiac dr in 2 weeks as she is out of town. Will then ask for an intro to a surgeon and look at surgery dates, things I can and cannot do in the near future etc etc

They think I have up to 6 months to do the surgery but will know more in 2 weeks

Will probably go for an angiogram later this month or May

Will lay low the next 2 weeks other than a quick 3 day trip to the islands of Southern Thailand.

I got the price range as I am self pay here in Thailand.

Just came back from a grueling solo 2 week trip to Singapore walking up to 15000 steps in a day in intense heat and living in youth hostels. At age 60 I felt fine. Still can't believe I have cardiac issues.
Sorry to hear it, but it's also nice to see the exit door to the waiting room. You've been planning for years. Time to execute the plan. Good Luck.

...Just came back from a grueling solo 2 week trip to Singapore walking up to 15000 steps in a day in intense heat and living in youth hostels. At age 60 I felt fine. Still can't believe I have cardiac issues
as the record holder for the number of times you've posted here with the same question, and the record holder for ignoring everyone's advice and perhaps the record holder for being in denial please just take the advice and get the bloody surgery done.

or wait and wait and pretend there's nothing wrong (like you still seem to be doing) and then there is permanent irreversible damage done to your heart.

not joking there.

or don't because all the surgeons are giving you conflicting evidence, wait another 5 years and see how stuffed you are in recovery.

You were severe here:

and ignored it and went on a "gruelling holiday"

severe here and ignored everything

there's over 50 posts where you say this.

what is wrong with you?
Closed thread for future replies since the topic has been addressed and answered before.
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