Warfarin and sport

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Martial Arts (less so Kendo)

you know ... stuff where you get whacked and or the idea is to knock someone out or break bones. These should be avoided, or practiced with a little consideration (good general advice if you ask me warfarin or not)

Contact is defined as :



but perhaps less obviously this is probably not a contact you'd be worried about (with respect to warfarin)


personally if I hadn't damaged my neck in a motorcycle accident in the late 90's I'd probably still be doing Aikido ... but I tried it again and without really close attention to warm-ups and technique rolls (ukemi) were prone to giving me a sore neck which took a few weeks to undo


so while a brave man loves the feeling of the elements on his face, a wise man knows when to get out of the rain.

Train and practice as if you love your body and know spare parts are often "back ordered"