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Congratulations, Janie. And you're right. Sometimes, when working a Xword puzzle, I just can't get some of the words that I use all the time so put it down and go back in a day or so and the old brain kicks in and I know all the words. That's my biggest problem - losing common words. And they're not in my 'spot' when I want them. :confused:
A true pumphead:

Diagnosis: AAADD - Age-Activated Attention Deficit Disorder
This is how it goes:
I decide to work on the car, start to the garage and notice the mail on the table. OK, I'm going to work on the car...
BUT FIRST I'm going to go through the mail. Lay car keys down on desk. After discarding the junk mail, I notice the trash is full. OK, I'll just put the bills on my desk....

BUT FIRST I'll take the trash out, but since I'm going to be near the mailbox, I'll address a few bills.... Now where's the checkbook? Oops.. there's only one check left. Where'd I put the extra checks? Oh, there's my empty cup from last night on my desk. I'm going to look for those checks...

BUT FIRST I need to put the cup back in the kitchen. I head for the kitchen, look out the window, notice the flowers need water, put the cup on the counter and there's my extra pair of glasses on the counter. What are they doing here? I'll just put them away...

BUT FIRST I need to water those plants. I head for the door and... Aaaagh! someone left the TV remote on the wrong spot. Okay, I'll put the remote away and water the plants...

BUT FIRST I need to find those checks.
END OF DAY: Oil in car not changed, bills unpaid, cup still in the sink, checkbook still has only one check left, lost my car keys, .. And, when I try to figure out how come nothing got done today, I'm baffled because... I WAS BUSY ALL DAY!

I realize this condition is serious... I'd get help...
BUT FIRST...I think I'll check my Mail.

:D :D
good one!

good one!

Yes, but what about when we're still young? Hmm, maybe my brain has aged...

Janie, congratulations on finding your "Spot!"
you guys crack me up!!!

you guys crack me up!!!

hi everyone!
hensylee, i loved that! very funny!

in dealing with you pumpheads, do your so's repeat things a lot?? i find myself lately saying something to joey and 2 seconds later him asking what i just said. often i'll say to him "did you not just hear me say that?" and he'll say "no". we both laugh about it, but it has been happening often. can i attribute this to pumpheadedness? he's only 49, so i don't think it's age, yet.

help? thanks out there,
Saw your post on another thread, referring to our pumpheadedness conversations. A word of advice; A pumpheaded woman should not date more than one man at the same time, UNLESS he has the same name.

Yeah, oops.
LOL How right you are, Mindy. Did you happen to do that? My SO used to call me by his dec'd wife's name and I used to call him by my ex's name - I was pleased and honored, but he wasn't! He knew my ex. Teehee:D