Possible strep throat and ensuing problems was Question about Omeprazole

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Jun 13, 2010
Surrey, UK
Been rather ill for the past three weeks with an infection which started as a cold but soon getting fevers. Saw GP last week who put me on antibiotics as she was worried I had strep throat: Azithromycin, it’s was a three day course (finished Saturday evening) which is how Azithromycin works as it has a half life of 68 hours so carries on working for further three days after course finished. On Sunday suddenly got gastritis, oesophagitis, acid reflux coming up - this is one of the less common side effects of Azithromycin. Reflux began to be virtually constant with burning. Had to call 111 who sent paramedics who decided to take me to A&E (ER in the US). Doc in A&E has prescribed me 40mg Omeprazole (plus Metaclopramide and Gaviscon Advance).

I’m not keen on PPI’s but in this instance I need to have it to reduce the burning acid which is happening all the time (not related to food at all - in fact I can barely eat or drink). I am just wondering if the dose of Omeprazole is too strong (I’ve lost weight and am only 44 kilos, 97 pounds) ? So wondering what dose others on forum who have Omeprazole take ?

Although I have only had one dose I am still getting reflux though it obviously isn’t acid anymore as it doesn’t burn, and it still causes as much coughing.
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Hi Anne

Apologies for the slow reply. Just catching up.

Sorry to hear about your recent troubles. Sounds like a real struggle.

When I was put on daily aspirin post surgery I was told to take Omeprazole to aid aspirin ingestion and prevent stomach upset. I was on a 20mg once-a-day dose. In fact, it was the Omeprazole that began to upset my stomach so I stopped taking it and things improved promptly.

I was prescribed Lansoprazole as an alternative, but decided not to take it. Haven’t had any issues taking the aspirin alone since.

Your situation is different, obviously. Especially with the reflux. But thought I’d point out I was on half the dose of Omeprazole you were prescribed and even then, I didn’t tolerate it well.

Really hope the reflux reduces soon and you can eat and drink better without incident.

Sending best thoughts to you.
Hi Seaton - thanks for your reply (I don't think I gave this thread a good title so have changed it).

I’m very glad to hear that when you stopped the omeprazole your issues resolved promptly. I don’t think this omeprazole at all good - on third dose now. The pack is in 20mg capsules so I may lower the dose to 20mg and see how it goes. Thing is the reflux problems should very soon resolve since I’ve finished the culprit which caused it - if it doesn’t resolve that will mean that the Azithromycin has caused some more permanent damage and there won’t be much I can do for the next couple of weeks because of the Christmas and New Year break. It’s virtually impossible to speak, never mind see, a GP round here without an advance appointment :-( I’ve also been prescribed Gaviscon Advance which is a non systemic medication to stop reflux as it has an alginate in it (not available in the US), and Metoclopramide which is to help the gut move along - I may end up just on those two. This omeprazole is giving me indigestion and I have alkaline reflux now.

I’m feeling pretty miserable. I cannot sleep because I definitley cannot lie down - relfux even worse lying down - so am propped up like post AVR surgery. I remembered last night that I was prescribed Zopilcone for sleeping post AVR so tried a tablet (thankfully I had some) and that helped me get about four hour's sleep in sitting position.
Anne, I'm so sorry you've had these awful travails with your stomach just from taking the antibiotic a few days! Burning tummy and esophagus are a miserable kind of suffering. I am so sorry that eating is such a problem, especially with you being so petite as it is. And I hate that you can't rest properly.

I can't contribute much about the omeprazole, since it gives me headaches. I think they ordinarily prescribe the 40 mg for ulcers, but I imagine with the severity of your symptoms, they were urgently trying to get you some relief. After my heart surgery when my gastro issues flared up from medication, they put me on the higher 40mg dose of Protonix till I could finally come off all meds.

I dearly hope you feel much better soon.

Seaton, I read with interest the way the omeprazole upset your stomach. Years ago I could hardly fathom it, but lansoprazole was the culprit in my own stomach pain/distress. Our bodies are all so different and sometimes the things that should help only harm. So frustrating!
Hi Seaton - thanks for your reply (I don't think I gave this thread a good title so have changed it).

I’m very glad to hear that when you stopped the omeprazole your issues resolved promptly. I don’t think this omeprazole at all good - on third dose now. The pack is in 20mg capsules so I may lower the dose to 20mg and see how it goes. Thing is the reflux problems should very soon resolve since I’ve finished the culprit which caused it - if it doesn’t resolve that will mean that the Azithromycin has caused some more permanent damage and there won’t be much I can do for the next couple of weeks because of the Christmas and New Year break. It’s virtually impossible to speak, never mind see, a GP round here without an advance appointment :-( I’ve also been prescribed Gaviscon Advance which is a non systemic medication to stop reflux as it has an alginate in it (not available in the US), and Metoclopramide which is to help the gut move along - I may end up just on those two. This omeprazole is giving me indigestion and I have alkaline reflux now.

I’m feeling pretty miserable. I cannot sleep because I definitley cannot lie down - relfux even worse lying down - so am propped up like post AVR surgery. I remembered last night that I was prescribed Zopilcone for sleeping post AVR so tried a tablet (thankfully I had some) and that helped me get about four hour's sleep in sitting position.
So sorry, Anne.
I've got thrush in my mouth and throat now in addition to the other things - must have got the thrush because of the antibiotic and because I use a steroid inhaler :( I've started medication for the thrush.
There is a possibility you have leaky gut. Your gut lining is only 1 cell thick, so many things can cause it to become "too"permeable and allow undigested food, bacteria, viruses, and other toxins into your blood system. Something you might do is try to build your good gut bacteria back with a good probiotic.

Gluten is the main culprit behind leaky gut, so maybe try avoiding all grains with gluten (if you are eating any). There are foods and supplements that help heal leaky gut.

Your symptoms, including thrush, are similar to what I have gone through. Avoiding gluten and dairy, and taking supplements solved leaky gut in a couple of months.

For thrush, the best thing I have found is a good candida detox cleanse. You might have to take it for a couple of months.

Doctors tend to believe gas is from too much stomach acid, when in many cases it is a result of too little acid. I was prescribed a PPI, which I took for about a week while I did my research. What I have learned is that for me, I had to heal my leaky gut and then take betaine HCL to supplement stomach acid and digestive enzymes to supplement the enzymes needed in the gut to break down food. As we get older, we tend to make less of both.
Hi @rich01 - I don't think I have leaky gut, but many thanks for your reply ! I've not touched any grain foods for 12 years now, and I don't often have dairy foods, I eat the Paleo way, hence my username. I moved over to that way of eating when I was diagnosed with diabetes as Paleo is very low carb to help control blood glucose. I'm hardly eating at the moment though, I'm taking a very good probiotic.

The cause of all this is the antibiotic I was prescribed last week for strep throat - strep throat is a risk for damaging my prosthetic heart valve. One of the less common side effects of the particular antibiotic I had is oesophagitis and gastritis and I must have that, hence the bad reflux. And the thrush is due to the antibiotics too which along with me having to use a steroid inhaler for a respiratory problem which means the candida have had a chance to thrive.

I have not taken the omeprazole today as I'm sure it is not right for me. I can tell food is passing into my gut undigested due to the omeprazole lowering my stomach acid. I will try to make do with the Gaviscon Advance which is different to what you get in America, in the UK it contains an alginate (seaweed ?) which creates a teemporary'raft' for an hour or so after you've taken it on top of stomach contents to help stop reflux, though if that isn't enough to hold reflux back, the 'raft'comes back up and lines the oesophagus to protect it - that's a brief explanation. I'm also taking a medication which increases gut motility which helps stop reflux.

I can't believe all the trouble I've had since the weekend just because of that antibiotic :(
There is a possibility you have leaky gut. Your gut lining is only 1 cell thick, so many things can cause it to become "too"permeable and allow undigested food, bacteria, viruses, and other toxins into your blood system. Something you might do is try to build your good gut bacteria back with a good probiotic.

Gluten is the main culprit behind leaky gut, so maybe try avoiding all grains with gluten (if you are eating any). There are foods and supplements that help heal leaky gut.

Your symptoms, including thrush, are similar to what I have gone through. Avoiding gluten and dairy, and taking supplements solved leaky gut in a couple of months.

For thrush, the best thing I have found is a good candida detox cleanse. You might have to take it for a couple of months.

Doctors tend to believe gas is from too much stomach acid, when in many cases it is a result of too little acid. I was prescribed a PPI, which I took for about a week while I did my research. What I have learned is that for me, I had to heal my leaky gut and then take betaine HCL to supplement stomach acid and digestive enzymes to supplement the enzymes needed in the gut to break down food. As we get older, we tend to make less of both.
Anne, Hope you feel better soon...as for Omeprazole, I am a small adult too and I have been on 20mg Omeprazole for a couple years...i have stomach issues with daily aspirin use ( mechanical heart valve). I started with 40mg dose then was dosed down. 20mg dose Seems to keep stomach happy...hope you feel better soon!
Update - I had a rotten Christmas as the damage that the Azithromycin caused to my stomach and oesophagus meant I have been feeling very poorly and can barely eat. Today I saw a gastroenterologist - he's given me Lansoprazole for two weeks but will see me again before then. He said that Azithromycin can cause damage to the oesophagus and stomach so I have to lower the acidity with this PPI to let things heal. He's also prescribed me nutritional drinks which contain everything because I have now lost 2kg (4.5 pounds) in the two weeks since this started. He wanted to do a gastroscopy but I said no - he can do a barium meal or pill cam if he wants. He is checking everything else with an ultrasound this week.

I hope everyone had a good Christmas !
At 44kg you can't afford to drop another 2kg

I hope the new treatment helps resolve everything and you enjoy the start of a new year

Good luck Anne
Oh no ... sorry to hear this, Anne. Really hope the Lansoprazole helps settle things down quickly and you can start regaining that lost weight.

It’s good the gastro is seeing you sooner rather than later and you’re not left in limbo for too long. Fingers crossed things improve over the next few days and onwards.

Warmest and best to you.
It sounds like heaps of misery! I'm so sorry all this has piled on and that the antibiotic harmed you this way.

Hoping the lansoprazole will help you heal quickly and that the nutritional drinks stabilize your weight. I know you're more than ready to be able to enjoy meals again.

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