I don't know if this interests you, http://health-fitness.hsn.com/andrew-lessman-cholestacare-60-capsules_p-1723774_xp.aspx it is a supplement that get very good reviews at HSN.
I took Lipitor about 10 years ago. Within the first couple days of starting I woke up at night with screaming muscle pains in my legs. When I told the doctor, he said stop right away and never take any statin drugs again. Fine with me. Cholesterol is usually good except for when I get very hypothyroid (it happens) and it goes up a lot, and then goes down when thyroid is back in normal range. Coronary arteries were ok on the angiogram I had in October. They should be! I come from olive oil people.
hi don't know if this is in the right section .i have been taking a statin since my valve op in 2007. simvastatin being the first one i was prescribed after the first stages of using the drug i had no problems , them my gp decided to double my dosage from 20mg to 40mg a day . since then i have had very painful muscle aches he then changed me over to lipitor 20mg i was ok for a few months then back to the muscle pain so my gp changed it again to crestor 10mg and the pain is now unbearable to the point were i can't lift my left arm up at all with out helping it with my right arm . had a test some time ago for rhabdomyolysis and nothing was found there . any help or information gratefully received
cheers jeff![]()
Hi Jeff,
im a new member for the record, but my father was on statins for 2 years and went down hill over a period of time suffering from muscle pains and in the end depression, all this i believe down to statins, our gp suggested anti drpesents........ i convinced my dad to come of statins completley put him on a high multi vit and min with 150mg on coq10 and withing 1 month he was like a new man, 12 months later i just dont hear him complain about muscle pain any more, hes back to his old self, i personally think statins are bad news, but if you decide to carry on with them start taking coq10
just a quick update for those that are interested .my lipidoligist as taken me off te crestor i was on because of the effect it was having on my memory. i am now trying fluvastain 20mg every other day to start with and still taking the co enzyme q10 100mg daily i still suffer from some muscle stiffness in a morning and some shoulder pain. exercising is painful still.